Links to v45 Knowledge Base Articles

Links to v45 Knowledge Base Articles

Capacity Planner Updates

We have the following updates and additions to the Capacity Planning module:

PLANNING GROUPS – We have added a ‘None’ option to the machine configuration on the Capacity Planning tab.
Setting the option to ‘None’ will see the machine as unique and not allow the planner to drag/drop the operation on any other machine.
A warning will display telling the user the operation cannot be performed on that machine.

DELETE OLD JOBS FROM BOARD – We have added two new settings:
Planning – Enable Delete old cards
Planning – Days to delete cards after
These enable you to  decide if old cards are removed from the capacity planner and how many days they are required to stay on the boards.
SPLIT – The option to ‘split’ tags into multiple time blocks has been expanded into its own function (previously this was located under the ‘move to’ function).
You can now specify how many splits are required and have this based on a qty or time. The splits will be auto calculated based on your inputs.
Splits operations will show the spit quantity next to the total quantity on the job tags.

MERGE – Split operations can be re-joined using the new ‘Merge’ option.

IGNORE EXCEPTIONS – We have added the option to ‘Ignore’ any warnings flagged when planning.
Sometimes you may want to run multiple operations on a job at the same time due to the large qty of the job.
This will throw a conflict warning stating the one operation is planned to start before the previous is finished. You can now select to ignore this warning.
This will allow you to make sure any warnings shown are legitimate and require further attention.

STOCK PICK – We have added a link directly to the ‘Stock Pick’ screen from Job Detail popup on the Capacity Planning Board.

New Integration Partner

printIQ can now integrate with Sage 50 accounting software.

Quoting Updates

Quote Files (Delete files linked to quotes)
We have added the option to delete 'quote files'. 
Note: Once a quote is locked down the files cannot be deleted.

Quote - Minimum Sell Price (Minimum sell price on products)
We have added the ability to apply a 'minimum sell price' against a product.

Quote - Press Option Selector
We have made some updates to the press override selectors when quoting.
'Press Options' now show in their own pop-out next to the master press in order to make selection easier for presses with a large number of cylinder options.

View Quotes Board (New columns on the View Quotes screen)
We have expanded our 'custom columns' functionality to include the 'View Quotes' board.
You can now customise what you see by default.
Along with this, we have added more column options to show details such as customer email, phone numbers as well as last email date and last accepted quote number.

Quote - Quote Questions
For quick reference when creating SPC and Dynamic Catalog items, we now pass any 'Quote Questions' question and answer into the 'Production Notes' field.

Production Updates

Simplified Product Creation Overhaul (Simplified products made easy)
We have completely overhauled the simplified product creation process to make it easier for users to create, update and manage all of their sessions.
Session can now be generated directly from an existing quote. This means you now no longer have to build them from scratch.
In addition the process is now handled by a 'wizard' workflow stepping you from one screen to the next.
Lastly we have added a board where you can access session as well as see who created them and when they were last updated.

Module - IQ Gang (Support for roll stocks within the ganging module)
We have expanded the gang module to now incorporate the ganging of roll based stocks for Wide Format printers.
This includes manual ganging and integrations with third party software such as Tilia Phoenix.

Materials Admin - Raw Material (Improve material management with a material multiplier)
We have expanded the functionality of material sets to include the option of a 'Quantity Modifier'.
This will allow users to create material sets and set the number of items required based in individual product requirements.

Material Calculations - Expanded Options (Improved handling of eyelets for wide format products)
We have expanded the options on the material calculations 'Items Along Perimeter' and 'Items Along Component Defined Length'.
There are now 2 new fields:
Extra total items
Extra items per edge
These allow you to set a fixed 'additional' quantity on top of the calculated quantity.
This can be used on operations such as adding eyelets to large format jobs.

Component Calculations - Override Options
We have also added the above fields at a 'section' component level. This allows you to override the material default at a component level.

Stock Pricing - Inventory Components (Stock pricing component change to add process to the Cost+ component)
We have added two additional fields to the 'Stock Pricing' inventory component records to allow for further filtering of markups and click rates:
Process Front
Process Back

We have added a setting that recalculates the freight costs based on the 'verified' weight of the job.
The updated pricing can then be passed on via a misc charge.

Deliveries - Upload Shipping Information at Quote and Job Details Stage (Upload shipping addresses on the quote and job)
Do you often deal with a long list of deliveries that are required to be manually entered against your quotes?
Well, we have now added the option to bulk upload deliveries at a quote and job stage via a CSV export/import.

Guillotine Components (Guillotine component change to add Customer group)
We have added two new fields to the guillotine components. 
Customer Group
These allow further filtering for setting customer-specific pricing when required.

Production Board - Run Qty Field (New columns on Production, Pre-Prod and Dispatch boards)
We have expanded the details shown under the 'Run Qty' field. When there were multiple sections we previously displayed the word 'Multiple' under this column.
We now show the total sheet qty along with the number of runs. 
For example, a section with 3 x2,500 sheet runs will display as 7,500 (3)

Production Board - Operation Column (New columns on Production, Pre-Prod and Dispatch boards)
We have added a new column for 'Operations' to the Production Board. This will display all operation on the job relating to the department tab you are viewing.
This keeps it consistent with the same column that is already available on the Pre-Production Board.

All Jobs Board (New columns on Production, Pre-Prod and Dispatch boards)
We have added a new column for 'Series Description' alongside the existing 'Series' column to the All Jobs board.
This can be configured to show/hide using the custom columns selectors.

We have added an option against the 'Fold Lays p/h' to enable the imposition block qty to override the item qty.
This is useful when applied against operations such as diecutting where the the job is run multiple up as an imposition block.
This replaces the need for a 'parameter' to be used to override the number up when calculating the time required to produce the job.

Jobs - Lock down Jobs "On Hold" (Limiting user access to taking a job off hold)
Do you have staff taking jobs off 'Hold' status when they should not be?
We have now added extra security to jobs that are set to a status of 'On Hold'.
Jobs on this status can be locked from any alterations or status changes and only users with specific user roles can be configured with access to make these changes.

We have added the concept of a skid/pallet tag to inventory.
The tag is an identifier label that can be generated and placed with an item for later reference.
Skids can be assigned to jobs and then using barcodes, users can scan details such as the job number on production boards and Skid ID's on stock pick screens.

To streamline the receipt on inventory, we have expanded the inventory purchase order to include a location selector per item.
The items default location will be used unless manually changed to another location already linked to the inventory item.

Operations Component (Improved control for proofing operations to price per fold lay / side)
We have added some new pricing options to:
Side Finishing
Fail to Price – If this component is matched, it will cause the operation to fail to price

Section Finishing
Click Per FoldLay Side – Item clicks are charged per ‘fold lay side’ instead of per item
Click Per Plate Set - Item clicks are charged per ‘plate set’ instead of per item
Fail to Price – If this component is matched, it will cause the operation to fail to price

Job Finishing
Click Per FoldLay Side – Item clicks are charged per ‘fold lay side’ instead of per item
Fail to Price – If this component is matched, it will cause the operation to fail to price

Freight Updates

Freight - Blind Shipping (Blind / White label Shipping)
Blind Shipping is a new feature allowing you to select a virtual 'From' address for specific customer deliveries.
This means that the dispatch ‘Origin’ details are ‘masked’ so that the delivery appears to have come from a different location.

For example, brokers who wish to give the impression that they were part of the supply chain for products will be able to select 'from' addresses flagged as a ‘Blind Ship’.
On dispatch, this will generate dispatch labels that appear to indicate that the product was shipped from the ‘Blind Ship’ nominated address on the dispatch details rather than from your Factory’s Location.

Dispatch Board Performance
We have reworked how the dispatch board collates the display data to improve load times

Easypost Integration (Easypost Integration updates)
We have expanded out integration with Easypost to include pulling the tracking information back into printIQ for quick and easy reference.
This includes a link to the Easypost tracking page both at an internal level and also by a customer via their login into printIQ.

When calculating freight on quotes, the quote engine makes calls to the integrated freight providers configured on the system to return freighting options for the user.

Finance Updates

References - Add to an Invoice (New concept of invoice references)
We have expanded 'References' to now include references at an invoice level.
The reference can then also be setup to display on the required invoice markup template.

Invoice & PO Access (Limiting access to invoices and Purchase orders)
We have added the ability to limit access to site specific options on the following boards:
  1. Awaiting Invoice
  2. Invoices
  3. Inventory Purchase Orders
  4. Outsource Purchase Orders
Based on the user setup, sites with multiple sites can grant access to ALL sites invoices and PO's or only ones related to the users site.
This is to avoid filling up boards with information that is not relevant to the particular user.

General Updates

PDF Template Creator (Manage your own quote and invoice templates)
We have added the capability to allow users to create their own templates for 'Quote Letters' and 'Invoice Letters' in printIQ
using our new template creator.
This uses a simple step by step wizard where you can select from a variety of different layouts for the header, body and footer of each template.

We have created a new screen for users to set and manage the number sequences for everything from quote and job numbers to material codes.

Customise Branding - Content Strings (changing notification text)
Various models within printIQ contain fields of static text that can be used to make users aware of requirements or items of note related to the screen/modal they are currently in.
This text is controlled via 'Content Strings' in the 'Customise Branding' section in printIQ.
We have added two additional options to the list:
  1. Address Modal Text
  2. Missing Artwork Text

Google Search Now includes 'Suburb' details (Google Search now includes the suburb)
We have expanded the information pulled through to addresses generated using 'Google Search' to include suburb, city and state.

We have added a column to the CSV to enable the artwork to be attached at a section level.

Default Account status when creating new customer
We can set a default "account status" when creating new customer via settings page. (Customer_DefaultAccountStatusForNewCustomer)
Please contact our support team to enable this function.
Notes: Account Status settings will be followed when leaving the "account status" unspecified/empty upon creating a customer via an API call.

Customer Details Selector
We have made some tweaks to the customer information hove when creating a quote to allow for the display of long customer names.

Easypost - Labels
We have added the printIQ job number to the labels generated by Easypost to make tracking of packages easier.

We have added the ability to display freight at a quantity level in conjunction with cart based pricing.
Basically when quantity matches over multiple products, a summary grid will display on the quote to make it clear to the customer what their freight costs will be.
Please contact support if you would like this new freight data added to your quote letters.

New Placeholder to Email Templates - Invoice Contacts
We have added a new placeholder to the Payment Receipt email template, Direct Deposit email template and Invoice email template.
The placeholder {InvoiceCustomerEmailInvoiceContacts} uses any customer contact with the option of 'Email Invoice' checked on and,
includes them in the email list when any of these templates are triggered.

Stock In MSI / MSF
We have expanded the details shown under the quote 'Paper Stock Draw' when stock is configured to use MSI or MSF units.
This provides more clarity of how the stock is charged.

MODULE - SignOff (Sign Off details showing on the awaiting invoice board)
Users with the SignOff Module will now see the signoff icon from the 'Awaiting Invoice' board.
This allows accounts to see at a glance when a signoff is complete if they base the invoicing on confirmation of signoff.

We've added Supplier Reference and Site Reference field to the Outsource Webhook Payload

We have added AcceptanceCreated webhook
The main difference between the AcceptanceCreated webhook and the AcceptQuote webhook is that the AcceptanceCreated webhook sends a
full Quote Process Acceptance Details Object with All Acceptance Product Details and Acceptance Item Details Populated in an array.
This webhook is queued when you/your customer accepts a quote.
Please contact support enable this webhook.

We have added Invoice Code object in below webhooks payload:
1. CreateJob
2. GetAcceptanceDetails
3. Update Jobs Status
4. AcceptanceCreated
Invoice Code can be found in Product Category Treenodes.

We've added additional fields to the CreateConsigment Webhook object
  1. Delivery
    1. Courier (Carrier on their delivery docket)
    2. CustomerCode
    3. Contact Email
    4. Contact Phone
    5. DestAddressCompany
    6. DeliveryInstructions
    7. Any additional fields you think are relevant while adding the others
  2. Delivery Line
    1. Carton Type
    2. Length
  3. FreightSession

Quote details and Freight Session in Acceptance Details Payload
We have added the FreightSession from QuoteDetails into AcceptanceDetails.
This will show anywhere AcceptanceDetails is used. It will contain the quoted freight price within the acceptance details and if updated it also shows the new price.
Price was $0 upon quote acceptance however I updated to $50 via GUI and now it shows within a update job status:

QuoteProcess API Endpoints
- GetAcceptanceDetais
- AcceptQuote
- Any GetPrice call when passing Accept = True

- AcceptanceCreated
- CreateJob
- CompleteJob
- UpdateJobStatus

Account Manager within Acceptance Details Payload
We have updated the AcceptanceDetails object to show the account manager within all AcceptanceDetails payloads.
This will show the Account Manager selected on the Quote, so if the Account Manager is changed at a quote level rather then the one used from the Customer AM, it will use the Quote AM.

Get Price Payload
We have added below objects to GetPrice Payload:
  1. Delivery Type/Method
  2. SalesItemCode - Used to quote a sales item
  3. SalesItemKey - used to quote a sales item and youre a smart cookie and have the primary key of the sales item you want to quote
  4. KitCode - used to quote a kit
  5. KitKey - used to quote a kit and you have the key of the kit
  6. KitItemQuantities - optional quantities for kits. Only used for manufactured and dynamic kits
  7. ValidUntil - a datetime of the time the quote is valid until
  8. JobDescription - description if your job (only works for print products)
  9. Notes - some notes to add to your quote
  10. CustomerReference - quotes cus ref (labeled as PO number in moon)
  11. ExternalJobReference - quotes external reference. Ends up being a note of type 'External job reference'
  12. Wholesale pricelist - Wholesale pricelist from Pricelist Admin Screen
  13. Retail pricelist - Retail pricelist from Pricelist Admin screen

Quote Process
We have added comments and details around the QuoteProcess endpoints. 

Tax Codes and Tax Rate
We have added OData endpoints around retrieving and creating TaxCodes and TaxRates via API within printIQ.

We have added the ability to add notes via API call to Jobs,  Quote, Inventory Item, Purchase Order, Job Artwork, and Invoice.

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