SIMPLIFIED - Quote engine pricing

SIMPLIFIED - Quote engine pricing


Manage Simplified Sessions – Creating & Editing Simplified Sessions

‘Simplified’ products are predefined products that you create where you can offer ‘non-estimators’ access to quote.
This included internal sales staff and even customers. In these sessions, you can limit the options available to ensure a product you cannot produce will not be quoted.

The pricing from these sessions is calculated using the printIQ quoting engine.
This workflow shows how to setup pricing using the ‘factory pricing’ calculated through printIQ.

If you have ‘custom’ pricing you want to upload for products, refer to chapters:

Create a New Simplified Sessions

Simplified product sessions are managed from the ‘Manage Simplified Sessions’ under ‘Factory Capabilities’ in the main heading bar: 

From the ‘Simplified Sessions’ screen you can access existing session and create new sessions from scratch. 
Click the ‘+’ button to start a new session:

We recommend the best method of starting a new session is to generate it directly from a custom quote. 
With this method you start the process by creating a custom quote with some of the basic options for the product such as a
  1. single stock
  2. process option
  3. fold
  4. size
  5. any required workflow operations.

This forms the basis of your new session:

Then from the ‘Order Details’ screen, under ‘Template Product’, select ‘Simplified Session Creation’:

This will initiate the ‘Manage Product Sessions’ wizard and include all you preselected options.
You then add additional options by starting at the ‘Details & Pricing’ tab and working you way through the wizard:

Manage Product Session Wizards

Details & Pricing

All fields with a * are required fields:

Starting at the top of the screen, enter a session name and a description of what the session contains for reference.
Link the session to the required printIQ site and also to a ‘Product Category’ to determine where the product will be found:

Under the ‘Options’ section, you can link a quantity list, preferred production location, override default orientation settings as well as bleed and turnaround days:

If you are using the ‘Packs’ quoting functions in printIQ you can turn that on here:

You can then set the required format:

Under ‘Pricing’ link the session to a pricelist and if required configure any additional overrides:

Save your progress and/or click ‘Next’ to move on to the ‘Sections’ tab:


Sections is where you configure all the options against the individual section on the job.
Stock, side and section-based operations are applied here (same as you would on a custom quote).
Products such as books could have multiple sections for the cover and text for example.
Work your way across the tabs at the top:

Details & Options

Enter a name for the section and link it to a section ‘Type’. Also set the min and max pages for the section:

Clicking on the ‘Show Production Options’ button opens up additional section-based overrides:


Apply to the section the stock options you want available for quoting on the simplified product.
To the right is a list of all stocks in your system.
Use the search and filtering options to narrow down your list and then select the stocks to apply to the section by clicking the arrow icon:


Add folds from the fold catalogue to the session by pulling them from the list on the right:


Select the process combinations for the section:

Clicking the arrow at the top will move the combinations to the current list:

Side Operations

Select the side operation combinations for the section:

Clicking the arrow at the top will move the combinations to the current list:

Section Operations

Add any section-based operations:

Additional options 


On the Side and Section operation tabs, you have the option of separating out operations into their own ‘group’.
This then separates them into separate filters when quoting. 
This is useful when you have a lot of operation options on a section and instead of one ling list you separate them into groups.
Add a new group by selecting the ‘+ New Group’ option:

This displays a modal where you can name the group and add it to your list:

Show Excluded

The ‘Show Excluded’ option allows you to view options that have marked as ‘Exclude’.
This is when you retain the option in the session, but it is inactive.

To ‘Exclude’ an option, click the checkbox on a current option. Options to Include, Exclude or Remove will show:

Excluding the option will remove it from the list:

Selecting to ‘Show Excluded’ will show the option ‘shaded out’.
You can select the option and include it again or remove the option:

Copy Section

Copy Section - When a product requires multiple sections, you can copy an existing section, so you do not have to start from scratch:

Reorder Sections

Reorder Sections – Section order can be altered by a simple ‘drag & drop’:

Delete Sections

Sections can be removed with this option:

Job Operations

All required job-based operations are added to the session here.
These will include any workflow-based operations such as file check and proofing:

*Using the ‘Add as a group’ icon to the right of the operations lets you combine multiple operation into a single selection:

This then treats the group of operations as a ‘single selection’ and not a ‘one or the other’ option:


All size options are added here. ‘Custom Sizes’ can also be added, and the min and max options defined:

Once the size options have been added, click the ‘Review & Create’ button:

A summary of the number of possible quote options will display along with confirmation of the product category the session will be saved to:

Edit an Existing Session

To edit an existing session, click the ‘Edit’ icon:

The session will open as ‘Ready Only’ and include a button to ‘Edit Session’:

Selecting to ‘Edit Session’ will change the highlight at the top to flag the edit and offer the option to cancel the edit:

You must always use the ‘Create & Finish’ button to save the edited session:

Additional Features

Searching for Sessions

Using the search options you can access sessions buy searching under ‘Product Categories’.
You can further filter down to sessions created by you and based around creation dates:

Cloning a Sessions

When making new sessions it can be easier to copy an existing session and alter that session for the new product.
You can do this by ‘cloning’.
Click the checkbox next to a session:

This adds additional options to the screen. Here you can clone the selected session:

You will be flagged to confirm the cloning of the session:

The new session will show and can now be edited for the new product requirements:

‘Discarding’ and ‘Restoring’ Sessions

Old sessions can be discarded and restored if required.
Discard - Click the checkbox next to a session and select to ‘Discard’:

Click ‘Yes’ to confirm:

Discarded session can be viewed by turning on the ‘Show Discarded’ option.
All discarded sessions show with a grey crosshatch over it:

Discarded sessions can be reactivated by selecting then and clicking ‘Restore’: 

Draft Sessions

When a new session in initiated but not save, it sits as a ‘Draft.
Draft sessions can be accessed by selecting the ‘Show Draft’ option.
A draft session will have the draft icon display under the ‘Draft’ column:


When a session has been generated using a ‘Simplified Session’,
it is flagged with an icon under the ‘Type’ column:

When a session has been generated using a ‘Single Product Creation’, it is flagged with an icon under the ‘Type’ column:

When a session has been generated using a csv import, it is flagged with an icon under the ‘Type’ column:


A session can also be accessed for editing via the quote process.
Starting a quote and selecting the items will show a ‘Cog’ icon that will take toy directly to the session:

User Role

Tick Product Admin 

Internal Settings

In order to create and edit session, the user account must have the correct roles set against them.
The role ‘Product Admin’ is set as the default requirement on the internal setting ‘Simplified Session Product Creation Roles Required’:

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