Freight - Quote Letter - Displaying Freight Pricing
Total freight pricing can be displayed by quantity over multiple products.
This data is only available when freight is being delivered to a single address.
When you have a quote with a single product or multiple products with equal quantity breaks, the below grid of pricing will show.
Every product shows the sell price exclusive of the shipping and tax.
Below the product breakdown, subtotals, freight totals, tax totals and a grand total are shown for each quantity.
This is calculated based on the freight details on your quote:
When the quantity breaks don’t fully match, the grid will display slightly different.
‘Quantity’ labels are added before each ‘Quantity’ price, so they are easily identifiable. The totals are calculated the same.
Please contact us if you would like this new freight data added to your quote letters.
Please note, Care Package is required to add this to your quote letters
Freight in multiple mode
the grid won’t show and it will fall back to freight for selected quantities.
Example of a quote with multiple products and equal quantities:
Internal Note
Please check attachment for HTML sample for the markup template.
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