Inventory - Skid/Pallet Tags

Inventory - Skid/Pallet Tags


A Skid (or Pallet) Tag is an identifier label that can be generated and placed with an item for later reference.
Upon receiving material into the warehouse, skid tags can be generated containing the following information:
  1. Skid ID & Barcode
  2. Inventory Code & Barcode
  3. Inventory description (100-character limit)
  4. Date and time stamp of when the skid tag was printed
If the skid is allocated to a job, the additional details will be added to the tag:
  1. Job Number & Barcode

If the material is marked a customer owned and linked to a customer record, the additional details will be added to the tag:
  1. Inventory owner customer name
The naming of Skid or Pallet is customisable by the user to match their used terminology


Material Received
Materials can be receipted into printIQ by either an ‘Inventory Purchase Order’ (IPO) or by ‘Inwards Goods’.

Materials have locations defined. Skids are created as ‘temporary locations’ inside the master ‘location’ selected at the time of skid generation.
When a skid qty is at zero, after 24 hours it will become inactive and be removed from all lists and items:

Receiving Inventory

Inventory Purchase Order

When inventory is ordered via an ‘Inventory Purchase Order’, when receipting, there is a ‘Skid’ generation button against each item:

There are two options when generating skids:

Create & Add Skid

This is the default option when clicking the skids button. This will open a modal when you can specify the number of skids you are receipting in and the qty per skid.
You can also allocate jobs to the skids and add notes to the skid tag:

We have an order line for 5000 sheets. I have received the 5000 sheets on x2 skids with 2500 on each. I click the skid button:

In the ‘Creating Skid’ modal, I change the ‘Skid to Create’ field from 1 to 2.
This auto-calculates the ‘Quantity per Skid’ by dividing the received qty by the number of skids. Click ‘Create’ to confirm:

2 Skids are added to the screen:

If the skid quantities are different, just change the qty against each skid.
This will also update the ‘Actual Quantity’ received:

Add Skid
This option allows you to manually add skids one by one.
This can be used when you need to add an additional skid to the receipt list.
Click the ‘+’ button to generate the skid:

Inwards Goods

When the material is received outside of a purchase order (for example sent in by the customer) you can use ‘Inwards Goods’ to receipt qty in.
Against the inventory item, select ‘Inwards Goods’:

The ‘Inwards Goods’ modal will drop down. To add skids, click the ‘+’ button:

This opens the ‘Manage Location’ modal. Click on the ‘Skid’ option.
Enter the number of skids received. In this example we are receiving x3 skids.
Two with 5000 and one with 2500. Enter 3 to generate 3 skids and click ‘Create’:

This takes you back to the ‘Inwards Goods’ modal. The first’ skid’ generated will be selected in the location modal.
Enter the quantity of 5000 for the first skid and click ‘Confirm:

You will see confirmation of the receipt along with a ‘print’ icon where you can print out the skid tag.
The location selector will then default to the next skid tag generated so you can continue entering the received qty:

Enter the 5000 qty for the second skid and ‘Confirm’:

Enter the 2500 qty for the last skid and click ‘Confirm & Close’ to close the modal:

You can click on the ‘Location’ field to see a list of Skids and their current qty

Once you close the inventory item, the QOH will update to include the received qty

In the inventory item details screen, under the locations, you will see the skids and their current quantities on hand

You can make quantity adjustments against a skid by selecting the ‘Adjustment’ option against the inventory item:

This opens the ‘Stock Adjustment’ modal. You can select a skid from the location dropdown:

You can then update the quantity:

Transfer Qty From One Skid to Another

You can transfer quantity from one skid to another.
This can be useful if you want to consolidate leftover qtys from multiple skids onto a single skid or to top up one skid to fulfil the qty required for a job.
Against the inventory item, select ‘Location Transfer’:

From the ‘Transfer Inventory’ screen, you can see all available skids and their current qtys:

If we want to transfer the 500 from SK000429 to SK000431, enter the transfer qty on SK00429 and select the SK00431 as the ‘New Location’:

Once you click 'Transfer' the quantities will update

Stock Picks
From the ‘Stock Pick’ screen, under the ‘Location’ field, you can select the specific skid to pick against:

You can type in a skid number or use a scanner to scan the ‘Skid’ barcode from the skid tag to help filter down to the required skid from the list.

Inventory Locations
Skids can also be accessed and edited from the ‘Inventory Locations’ screen. You can search on the required skid:

From here you can ‘edit’ and change the location using the ‘Place Inside’ field:

A skid can also be moved to a different location from within the inventory item itself using the ‘Edit’ option:

Skid Tags
These can be printed from various places in printIQ where tags are accessed. The format is:
STANDARD TAG – Contains the basic details of the Skid ID, Inventory item cade and description.

Customer Owned Inventory Tag

If an inventory item is marked as customer-owned and linked to a customer:

The skid tag will display the customer’s name on the tags:

Job Assigned Tag
When a job is assigned to a skid the job number will display on the tag: 

Allocate Jobs to Skids

A skid can be linked to a job. This can be done when receipting in stock or using inwards goods.  When creating the skids, you can link a job or multiple jobs:

You can also do this after the skids have been added. From the inventory item, click the ‘Edit’ icon:

Add the job under the ‘Allocate Jobs’ field:

Type the job number or select from the list:

‘Update’ and the job will be linked to the skid:

Adding Notes to Skids

Custom notes can be added to a skid tag. When creating a skid or accessing an existing skid, you have a ‘Notes on Printed Labels’ field. Anything added here will show on the skid tag:

The note will display under the skid number:

Print Skids Tags in Bulk
You can bulk print skid tags. From within the inventory item along with the option to print and edit individual skids is a ‘Print All’ option:

Skid Numbers
This can be set against the ‘Temporary Location’ option under ‘Maintain Sequences’:

The report ‘Skid/Pallet Tags – Assigned to Jobs (unpicked)’ lets you view all jobs currently assigned to skids that have not yet had the ‘Stock Pick’ completed against it.
You can click on the job number or inventory item code to access either of these screens in printIQ:

You can also use filters to narrow the report down to the job number or inventory item:


The terminology used can be altered under the ‘Terminology’ screen. Under the ‘Printing Terminology’ section see ‘TEMPORARY_LOCATION:

Changing this for example from Skid to Pallet will change the naming in printIQ:

Internal Settings

These settings can only be accessed by printIQ support staff

Default Temporary Location From Item – This will default the location to the default location configured on the inventory item. If no location is set, it will pull from the setting:

Default Temporary Location Parent – If the previous setting is OFF, this option configured here will be selected as the default location.
If ‘None’ is selected in this setting, then no default will be selected, and the location must be manually selected when receiving goods.

Inventory temporary location cleanup interval days – This sets the number of days a temp location with a zero quantity is left active.
After that time, printIQ with auto set the location to be inactive.

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