Freight - Update price based on 'verified' weight
How it works
Freight costs are prices at the quote stage based on the weight of the quoted product:
In this example we have a quoted weight of 175.31lb and a cost of $291.70:
In the jobs ‘Dispatch’ tab, you can see the quoted weight and cost:
Once the job is finished production, we find the actual weight is heaver (or lighter) that quoted.
Enter the confirmed weight in the ‘Verified’ field:
Clicking the ‘Save’ button recalculates the price and updates this based on the verified weight:
Based on your settings for handling freight changes, the cost can be added as a ‘Misc Charge’:
To enable this functionality, please contact our customer support team.
Internal Setup
Internal setting: Price job freight from verified weight if possible
Internal Setting: How to handle default behaviour the handling freight changes
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