Product Import - Upload Factory Capabilities - CSV Import (Simplified/SPC)

Product Import - Upload Factory Capabilities - CSV Import (Simplified/SPC)


Uploading products via a csv file from ‘Factory Capabilities’ under ‘Upload Factory Capabilities’.

For explanations of the remaining Columns, not listed below, or products that have multiple sections, please speak to your printIQ Build assistant.

The options are:
  1. Attach Product Thumbnails and or Artwork ‘Image files’.
  2. Upload a CSV ‘Empty Product CSV’ that contains the Product Operations, Stock, quantity and pricing
  3. Upload Quantity/prices 1 CSV ‘Empty Pricing CSV’, this is optional and keeps the quantities and pricing separate.
  4. Supplier based pricing for Products that are Outsourced.

Upload Image Files:
If required, Upload the Thumbnail Images or Artwork first.

Option 1, steps to upload a product.

Step 1:
Download the Empty Product CSV:
(Tip: create a Custom Quote first, this will ensure that any issues with the product are highlighted as errors or warnings)

Step 2:
Open and enter the product into the CSV, the CSV and columns are quite extensive so they have been broken up into parts. The example is a Single Sided Corflute sign that is available in 3 sizes and includes Gloss Laminate.

CSV Data

Columns A to E:

Column A: FACTORY (this will always be for Single Site printIQ instances, for Multi Sites then enter the name of the required Site)
Column B: Enter the name of the session (this is not seen so it can be abbreviated if required).
Column C: Enter the name of the Product.
Column D: Enter the Product Code (this needs to be unique for each Row).
Column E: Enter the Tree Node Code (this code is shown on the Product Categories page)

Columns F to S:

Column F: Enter the Section Type.
Column G: Enter the stock code (the stock description is not used).
Column H: Enter the Fold Catalog (fold Catalog can be seen on the Fold catalogue page).
Column I: Front Process, enter Short Name.
Column J: Back Process, enter Short Name.
Column K: Enter the Operation Name.  (If more than 1 required separate each with a semicolon ;).
Column L:  Enter the Operation Finishing Reference
Column M: Enter the Operation Finishing Group
Column N:  Enter the Operation Finish Parameter
Column O:  Enter the Side Finish Front Operation Name  (if no Lam required on back, leave Column P blank)
      If the use of a Reference, Group or Parameter is required to go with the Side Operation(s) then add 3 columns after each of 'SideFinishFront' and 'SideFinishBack' with
      the headings of  ''FinishingReference', 'FinishingGroup' and FinishParam'
Column P:  Enter the Side Finish Back Operation Name
Column Q: Enter the Section Child Finish
Colum R: Enter the section finish size (If referencing an existing finish size then this refers to the Finish Size 'Short Name')
Column S: Artwork URL to be attached at a section level
Column T & U: 2 in each COLUMN.
If a requirement for Number Up at the section level is required, Insert columns for V and W as below and set the 'NUp' and 'NupHardOverride' fields.

JOB Data
Columns BC to BH:

Column BC: Enter the Job Finishing Name (if more than 1 required separate each with a semicolon ;).
Column BH: Enter the size Short Name, for Custom Size enter the min & max size range EG Custom:100x100-1199x1199

Pricing & Quantity Data
Columns BN to BW:

Column BR: Enter the Price List Name.
Column BT: Enter the Pricing type* number 3, for set unit pricing.
Column BZ: Enter the maximum quantity amount.
Column CA: Enter the price (per unit)

Column BP: Enter Pricing type* number 4, for tier qty and pricing.
Column BV: Enter the maximum quantity amount. (to add more Columns copy BV 7 BW, then Insert Copied Cells)
Column BW: Enter the price (per unit)
The example below will charge $35.50 per unit up to 10 and then from 11 up to 100 charge $33.5.

*Pricing Type:
1 = Percent Markup
2 = Fixed Markup
3 = Fixed Quantities
4 = Single Per Unit Price by Quantity
5 = Incremental Per Unit Price by Quantity
6 = Custom Pricing Rule 1
7 = Fixed Quantities + Extras
8 = Single Per Unit Price by Quantity + Extras
9 = Incremental Per Unit Price by Quantity + Extras
10 = Flat Sheet Pricing
11 = Flat Sheet Pricing + Extras
12 = Pricing Tier Markup
13 = Flat Sheet Pricing + Operations
14 = Per Unit Price + Operations
15 = Fixed Price Per Quantity + Operations

Thumbnails & Artwork
Columns AI & DQ:

Column AI: Enter the name of the Artwork including the extension

Column DQ: Enter the name of the Thumbnail including the extension.

Step 3:
Save the CSV, it's ready to upload it.
Select the Choose File button, then find and select the CSV:

Select the Verify Import button:

The file begins to upload, any errors are found and mentioned in the Confirm tab:

The Operation name had no space between File and Check
The section type SINGLE-SECTION was not all caps

Fix the errors, re-save the CSV and repeat Step 3:

If no subsequent errors are found, printIQ will ask you to confirm the products:

Confirm them, the Confirmation screen displays, the new products are given a unique session number, in this example it is 782:

CSV Parameters

We have included ‘FinishParam’ fields to SectionFinishing and JobFinishing by default
(you can also manually add Finishparam columns for every type of finishing - front,back,section,job,section child, job child)

To use these fields in the csv, the format is key value pairs e.g. {ParamName}:{ParamValue} or Diecut Number Up:4

In the above example the name of the operation ‘MACH DIECUT Nup’ is added to the ‘SectionFinish’ field:

The parameter ‘Job Operation Name’ is added to the ‘FinishParam’ filed along with ‘:’ followed by the ‘answer’:

You can add additional new columns for "FinishParam" immediately after the "SectionFinish" "JobFinish" "BackFinish" etc operation name columns.
This will assign parameters to the operation preceding it.
Optionally you can specify more than one key value pair separated by semicolons 
e.g. Test Param 1:25;Test Param 2:30


When setting an imposition override using either the fields 'Section ImpositionOrientation'  or 'ImpositionOrientation', use any of these text options:





as defined

CSV Parent/Child operations

We adding a parent/child operation, you must include the 'parent' befor each 'child' operation. This will mean you are adding the parent to the csv multiple times:


When quoting with 'leaves', add an 'L' after the page count. This will now see the page count as leaves in place of pages:

Modifying (editing) the CSV

Step 1

From the Admin Tab, choose Factory Capabilities
Then choose Modify Exiting Capabilities:

Using the Tree Node Structure, navigate to the Product Tree Node and select it:

The page loads the product session, select edit product:

Or you can quick access the session by starting a quote and clicking on the 'Cog' icon:

The page loads the Product Upload (make note that the correct session number is selected,
this ensures you are modifying an existing session and not adding a new one )
Select the Session Product CSV, open it, make the changes and then re upload it:

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