Inventory Items

Inventory Items

This is where you create and manage all inventory items that are not directly related to an individual job. Inventory > Items.

From here you have several options you can use to search on the items to require to view:


  From the main screen, you can see and search on all items currently entered. You have checkboxes to limit the view to ‘Managed Only’, ‘Awaiting Delivery’ and 'Show Inactive'.


Any items shown in red are flagged as being under the pre-set ‘re-order’ level:




To create a new item in click ‘Create New Item’ and you have the option to select the category the item will fall under:



Stock – This is items like paper and other printed substrates (It is best to create these items under the ‘Stock’ area of IQ).

Manufactured Material - This is for manufactured items that can then be included into quotes. For example ‘badges’ that may need to go into a pack for mailing. 

Raw Material – This is for items that can be added to job operations. For example ‘wire coils’ that are added to a finishing operation for coil binding. The price for the coils is then included in the operations costings. 

Sales Item – These are items you sell directly through store without any extra operations

Misc Item – This is for items such as IQ store item and general products. 

This will open a window where the item details can be entered. The window will vary depending on the type of item selected.
You can link the item to a supplier, location and a category. Doing this gives you flexibility when searching on items: 


  • You can mark items as ‘Managed’. This means they are items you need to do a ‘Stock Pick’ for to manage levels and usage.
    You can then use filters to view only your ‘Managed’ items.


To create a new purchase order, click ‘Create Purchase Order’:


This will open a window where you can enter the purchase order details:


You can also click the ‘Eyeglass’ next to an item to ‘Create a Purchase Order” or view the items 'Details' along with other options.



Inwards Goods:



Transfer Inventory:


Item Transfer:


Clicking ‘Details’ will open up the product details. In here you can adjust the price, supplier, name and make a ‘Stock Adjustment’:




Click the ‘Stock Adjustment’ button to open the below window:



Here you can choose the adjustment type, adjust the qty on hand and enter a reason for the difference:


Click ‘Update Stock’ and the quantity will be updated.

You can also update the supplier information and the default unit price and type. You can add multiple suppliers for an individual item but there must always be a ‘Preferred’ supplier. This is the one that is used for all quoting.



You also have the option of configuring the items ‘location’ in the factory:





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