Inventory Stock Pick

Inventory Stock Pick


You can do an ‘Inventory Pick’ on any stocks and materials that you have set as ‘managed’ in IQ.


You can access the pick screen by going to the Job Sections board then choosing the green magnifying glass next to the job number. Select Stock Pick from the dropdown.




Or from within the job bag by clicking the Inventory Pick button:




Either way will open the pick screen.

From here you will see a list of ‘managed items’.



In regards to the value presented in the 'Location' field the logic for the default is:

  • Pick requests are inserted when a job is accepted, and a default location is saved at that time
  • The logic to decide this is:
    • If there is an active default location for that item in the same factory location as the job, use that
    • If there is an active non-default location for that item in the same factory location as the job, use that
    • If there is default location for that item, use that
    • If there is a non-default location for that item, use that
    • If there is an active default location in the same factory location as the job, use that
    • If there is an active non-default location in the same factory location as the job, use that
    • If there is default location, use that

You will see the ‘Qty On Hand’ and the ‘Pick Qty’ required for the job. If you have the required amount of stock already for the job, click the ‘Add Button:




The qty will show as picked and the qty on hand will adjust accordingly. You can also ‘Return the stock’ or add in additional qty if need be:




If you do not have enough quantity for the job, Click the ‘round arrows’ button:


This will open up a new purchase order screen with the job number already entered and also show you the required quantity for the job:




Fill out the purchase order details and email to supplier. Once the goods arrive and the order has been receipted in, you can follow the above steps to pick the stock from the qty now on hand.

You can see a list of all jobs in production that have outstanding stock picks by selecting the ‘Awaiting Pick’ checkbox in conjunction with the ‘production’ job status options on the ‘Job Sections’ board:





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