Stock - Adding a New Stock

Stock - Adding a New Stock


If you need to enter a new stock that does not exist in the printIQ database, follow the below procedure.

In the Admin menu select Configure Factory:


Select Stock:



Now click Add New Stock:



The below window will appear:




Enter in the stock details:



Make sure you go to the presses dropdown and select the presses the stock can be printed on from the list.  

Click Create Stock when done:


  • ORDER UNITS AND CHARGE UNITS – Often these will be the same as the markup and will be done by the price list or wholesale or retail markups.
  • PRESSES – Select the ‘Presses’ that the stock can print on from the list. You can select multiple presses.
  • STOCK SUPPLIER – Choose the default supplier of the stock.
  • SUPPLIER CODE – Enter the supplier’s code if required for their reference on the purchase order.
  • OWNED BY – You can set the owner of the stock. Just select ‘Factory’ if it is a stock you are selling to a customer.
  • MANAGE STOCK LEVELS – Select this option if it is a stock you want to manage the quantity.
  • FINISHED SIZE – Choose this for items like envelopes that do not get guillotined down later.


Once done the stock is added to the list, you can search for it to check. Click on the ‘Code' to open the details:

If required you can add additional stock sizes to the list to link the ‘Stock’ to a ‘Stock Size and Pricing’. You can also add it to any ‘Stock Group’ you require.

To add additional stock sizes, click the Add button:


This opens another partly filled stock screen:




Fill in the additional details and create stock:



The additional size is now added to the list:



You can also choose to include the stock/size as part of your ‘Managed Inventory’:

Managed inventory is for stocks that you want to track usage and reorder levels.
From within the ‘Manage Stock Inventory Item’ screen, you can check the ‘Managed’ box to make the stock ‘Managed’.
You can also configure the items supplier and location as well as categorising the item into groups.

You can set ‘Reorder’ levels and see the current ‘quantity on hand’.




Any stock marked as ‘Managed’ will show the ‘tick’ in the managed checkbox:




You can link stocks to ‘Stock Groups’. This is useful when you want to create groups to use to attach to finishing operations so you can have different pricing based on stocks and they can also show under that specified group in the stock selector when working with custom quotes.

You can select to add to existing groups from the list or click the ‘+’ option to create a new group. A stock can belong to as many groups as you like and all groups will show at the bottom of the screen.



When a stock is not currently mapped to an existing press or you created a new press and need to map the stock to that press, back in the ‘Configure the Factory’ screen, go to ‘Stocks’ under the ‘Equipment’ heading.



The below window will appear. We are going to select to show all stocks that are linked to the group ‘FB700 Sheets’. Click Add to show the stocks:



You will see all the stocks from that group show in the left window:



Select the stock you just made. Under ‘Add/Remove Selected Stock Mappings’ Select a press the stock will print on and then click Add.



Now when you look at the ‘Current Press to Stock mappings’ for the selected press, the new items will appear on that list:




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