Stock / Item Bulk Price Update

Stock Bulk Cost Update

IQ offers the ability to do Bulk Stock Price updates after your stock has been uploaded into IQ.
REMEMBER - this is after your stock catalogue is loaded
This is typical if you are receiving per 1000 pricing from your paper supplier and need to change the records.

These are found in inventory section under configure factory:

Once you click on this you can see there are some downloads you can make to expedite the process:


1. Template: Stock Pricing

This is a blank template that allows you to enter your stock pricing:

  1. The IQ Supplier Code* is the code for the supplier (not necessarily their name)
  2. The StockRef* is the suppliers reference for the stock (ie. the part number)
  3. The CostPrice per 1000 is the "buying price" per 1000 - and is what will appear on your purchase order
  4. The Sell Price per 1000 is the "selling price" per 1000 - and what will appear in your quote.
  5. The CostPrice per Roll is the "buying price" per roll - and is what will appear on your purchase order
  6. The SellPrice per Roll is the "selling price" per roll - and what will appear in your quote.
  7. The CostPrice per ft is the "buying price" per foot or material - and is what will appear on your purchase order
  8. The SellPrice per ft is the "selling price" per foot - and what will appear in your quote.

2. Template: Supplier Pricing

This is the blank template, the same as the one that will see if you export your supplier pricing.  See #3 for details.

3. Template: Supplier Pricing

Once you click on this button - you will be prompted to make some filter choices:

1. Limits the stock to the owner (most likely you will want "Factory Owned"
2. Choose the supplier
3. Choose the item type (for paper - choose "Paper")
Once you export it you will see something like the following:

Updating the Pricing

Once you have downloaded, you can either send it to your supplier and have them update the cost per 1000 - or update it yourself from what they have supplied you. 

Before Updating

This is an example of the Original Price in the Stock Database before updating:

The Order in units of are what you pay your supplier - what appears on the PO
The Charge units are what is used in your quote 
This is an EITHER or CHOICE when it comes to uploading - either by UNIT or by 1000's

1. Updating the Cost Per Unit

If you want to update the price per purchase unit you can use columns D and F.  
D is the price, F is the unit type. 

When you update using this method you will see the following:

The Order unit price and the unit type are changed
The Charge price remains unchanged (as you may want to add shipping etc to it).

2. Updating the Per 1000 Price

If you want to update the price per 1000 use only column E

When you update using this method you will see the following:

The Order unit price is changed
The Charge price remains unchanged (as you may want to add shipping etc to it).

3. Updating both the COST and SELL price

If you want to update BOTH the COST and the SELL price - use Supplier Pricing Template (#2 above)

This will allow you to simultaneously change both the Cost and Sell prices at the same time.
This is done either by 1000's, by Roll or by the Foot (metre in metric)

When you update using this method you will see the following:

The Order unit price is changed
The Charge price is changed 

It is recommended that you TRY one stock first before doing a mass upload

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