INVENTORY – Stock Families
You can make a ‘family’ here and the option will be available to you later to link to a family of stocks.
Enter the Family name and click ‘Add Family’.
The ‘family’ will be added to the list.
INVENTORY – Stock Groups
This is where your stocks can be arranged into groupings making setup of products easier. All this is managed from ‘Stock Groups’ under ‘Inventory’ in the ‘Configure the Factory’ screen.
Enter the group name and click ‘Add Stock Group’.
INVENTORY – Stock Sizes
Once in here fill in the Name and the sizes as below and click ‘Add Size’.
This will then add the stock to the current stock list.
INVENTORY – Stock Bulk Upload
Now we have created these fields we need to go back into Admin; Configure Factory then click on Stock Bulk Upload.
This will pop up with a window for you to save the file somewhere in your system that you can open it and save the changes.
Editing the Bulk Stock Upload Spreadsheet
Now we have the spreadsheet to fill in. It is best to keep your Codes in a consistent naming convention for ease later when searching for stocks in the system. Fill in the fields with your required information.
At this point you will need to go back into PrintIQ and open up Admin; Configure Factory then click on Stock Bulk Upload. Then Paste the copied information into the text box as shown below and click on ‘Verify’.
After hitting ‘Verify’ you should get the following message pop up under the buttons. If errors to pop up then you will need to check that your spreadsheet is correct.
Once it reads 0 errors then click ‘create stock’ button. This is creating your stocks in the background. This may take a bit of time depending on how many stocks you are creating. Once complete you will get the below message displaying that the Stocks have been created successfully.
To see that your stocks have loaded click on the “Factory Config” button then click on “Stock”.
Here you will see a list of all the stocks that you have loaded.