Stock - Inventory Component Pricing

Stock - Inventory Component Pricing


1. Please contact support team to enable this function
2. Component Type Filter in Retail and Wholesale Pricelist are ignored when we set stock items to use Inventory Pricing.
3. You can bulk update Inventory pricing via CSV upload
4. "Only Price printed area" must use unit type of square meter/feet or weight. Does not work with "sheet" units
5. You can create either "blanket rule" / "specific rule" on Inventory component pricing 

Paper stock pricing can be configured in one of two ways in printIQ:
  1. Stock Size Based Pricing
  2. Inventory Based Pricing

A setting controls visibility of this on the Stock screens.

Contact support if you would like this turned on

How to Set Up

With the setting enabled, in the ‘Manage Stock’ screen a switch is shown to enable setting the pricing type.
All sizes for the selected stock will have inventory pricing either enabled or disabled with this switch.

After enabling ‘Inventory Pricing’ on a stock item, the ‘View Cost Plus Pricing’ button appears
(it is inactive until the stock item has been saved/updated)

After enabling Inventory Pricing and saving, the View Cost Plus Pricing button is active:

If a stock was set up with Inventory Pricing records and the Inventory Pricing switch is turned off on the stock, 
the pricing component records are not deleted.   They will not be used while the stock is not set to Inventory Pricing.

If the stock is subsequently updated to use Inventory Pricing, 
those records will be brought up again for the stock.

Stocks can also be exported from the ‘Manage Stock’ screen, updated in bulk to enable or disable inventory pricing, and reuploaded via the ‘Stock Bulk Upload’ screen.

When a Stock item is set to use Inventory Pricing.
any ‘Component Type Factors’ set for Paper on either Wholesale or Retail pricelists are ignored. 
All markups for the paper stock are determined from the component pricing records. 
If there are no component records, the supplier’s cost is used with no markup applied.

The Stock details presented on the Manage Stock screen also change when Inventory Pricing is enabled.

Paper Stock Pricing Configuration

Stock Size Pricing
When using Stock Size Pricing, the stock details are shown as below, depicting cost and sell prices along with order and charge units:

Inventory Pricing
When Inventory Pricing is enabled, a lot of this detail is removed as it is catered for within the pricing component records and the inventory item:

Bulk Updating Stock to enable/disable Inventory Pricing (CSV Upload)

To update several stock items to use Inventory Pricing, navigate to Admin → Factory Configuration → Manage Stock.
Filter for the stocks you wish to update and export:

Open the exported CSV and locate the column titled ‘Inventory Pricing’ and set to ‘True’.
Three further settings can also be updated here:
1. ‘Only Price When Selected’,
2. ‘Only Price Printed Area’
3. ‘Override Charge Units’

See below for details on these settings

Save the updated CSV and re-upload to printIQ to update the stock lines.
See further below about setting up a ‘Catch All’ component record to apply a markup to your stocks when using inventory based pricing.

Stock X Stock Size

After Inventory Pricing in enabled, a couple of additional settings appear in the ‘Stock X Stock Size’ details.
Click the ‘Edit’ button on a stock size option to open the ‘Stock X Stock Size’ details screen.

The additional options are the ‘Use Inventory Charge Unit’ and the ‘Only Price Printed Area’ checkboxes:

Stock Size Pricing

With Stock Size Pricing, the order units and cost along with the charge units and price are held on the Stock X Stock Size record:

Inventory Pricing

When ‘Inventory Pricing’ is enabled, the charge field is removed and there are also a couple of new options.
  1. Use Inventory Charge Units
  2. Only Price Printed Area

Use Inventory Charge Units
This setting will force printIQ to use the inventory items configured ‘Unit Type’ as the charge units:

When enabled the ‘Per’ and Units fields are locked and disabled as they are no longer referenced:

Only Price Printed Area
Enable this setting will only price printed area when calculating the cost price.
Finished printed area (plus bleed) will be converted to the charge unit.

Must use a unit type of square meter/feet or weight.
Does not work with ‘sheet’ units.

Only Price When Selected (Only Price When Selected)
Will only price this stock if its size is explicitly selected in the preferred stock size field on the quote.

Inventory Details

In the ‘Manage Stock Inventory Item’ screen, multiple suppliers can be configured.
If a supplier supplies the stock item in different pack sizes, they can be loaded into the Manage Inventory Item screen. 
Supplier codes must be unique between stocks, but the same supplier code can be used for the same stock and supplier with different pack sizes.

When purchasing a stock configured like this, you will need to select the appropriate pack size on the Purchase Order.
The unit price will update accordingly:

Inventory Component Pricing

Inventory Pricing offers the ability to utilise Pricing Component Records,
much in the same way as you use for Press Costs, Operation Pricing, Spoils, Imposition options etc.
Access to the Component Records for stock pricing are available through
the blue View Cost Plus Pricing button in Manage Stock after the Inventory Pricing switch is enabled:

Click the button to open the stocks’ Pricing Components in a new browser tab.
When first enabled there will be no component records:

"Catch All" Inventory Pricing Record

When you change a stock to Inventory pricing with no pricing records,
the cost is brought through from the supplier’s details on the inventory item.

However, no ‘Cost-Plus’ details are shown, and the supplier’s cost price is brought through with no markup applied
(The pricelist markups are by-passed when Inventory Pricing is enabled)

You can create a ‘Catch All’ inventory component pricing record to apply a specific markup to any paper stocks set to use Cost Plus Pricing that does not have stock-specific pricing components.
By not linking to a specific stock, adding a charge option and a markup, the setting will apply to all stocks in the system:

This pricing component record will add a 20% markup (1.2 factor) to the stock cost,
When there are no other qualifying component pricing records for the selected stock:

As there is NO stock or stock group selected,
it will apply to ALL stocks set to Inventory Pricing that do not have any qualifying Component Records specific to that stock. 
It will also appear in every stocks pricing component list.

You can setup multiple markup options against a component:

This will flow through to the stock and display under the ‘Paper Stock Draw’ cost plus section:

Inventory Pricing Component Records

The component records can be used to control pricing and markup options based on a range of variables including :
Customer, Customer Group, Stock Size, Press, Press Option, min / max Sheet Length, Quantities, Fold Lays, Stock Weight and Stock Area.
The Range Option is what the component record rules target. This is a mandatory field.
The options for this are: 

  1. Section Total Stock: Total stock used for the section – including spoils
  2. Section Finished Stock: Total stock used for the section – excluding spoils
  3. Job Finished Stock: Total stock used for the job – excluding spoils
Job Finished Stock setting allows you to consider all the stock used over multiple sections for quantity-based pricing.
The Pricing part of the Component Records also has a ‘Charge Option’, like the ‘Range Option’ above.
This too is a mandatory field

There are only ‘Section’ based options as it is controlling the pricing of the stock for the section.

The ‘Markup’ Factor is applied to the ‘Cost’ of the stock used in the pricing calculations on the quote.
With a factor of 1

The supplier cost is brought onto the quote with no markup applied.
The Cost-Plus details show at the bottom of the expanded stock pricing details:

When a factor is not set:

The supplier cost is again brought onto the quote, but no ‘Cost-Plus’ details appear under the required sheets:

The ‘catch-all’ record is not used as there is a stock specific record that precedes it.

If a stock is set to use Inventory Pricing and there are no stock specific pricing component records or a ‘catch all’ record,
printIQ will take the Supplier, Unit Type and Unit Price from the default suppliers’ details in the Inventory Item record.

When viewed on the quote you can see the details from above:

The pricing above is based off the cost price of the stock.

Supplier Pricing on Inventory Records

Access the Inventory details for the ‘Stock x Stock Size’ entry you are working with by clicking the ‘Inventory’ button to the right,
while the Charge Units and Pricing is accessed through the edit icon on the left:

Broken Pack Pricing

For exclusive / expensive stock items which you usually wouldn’t hold in stock, it can be more cost-effective to purchase the required quantity as single sheets, rather than a whole ream that may not get used.
Suppliers usually charge a premium for single sheet purchases (sometimes up to twice the price as per ream) until there is a point where it is more cost-effective to purchase a whole ream.

To set up the stock to automatically determine the best buying units, set it to use Inventory Pricing.

In Stock x Stock Size, set the stock to ‘Use Inventory Charge Units’ to charge for complete packs:

This setting applies to all supplier lines (The order and charge units shown above are from the ‘default’ supplier).
Add the same supplier a second time, but with a Unit Type of ‘/1’ and the suppliers unit price. 

With the two options, when used in a quote, if the price for the required single sheets is less than a full pack price,
it will use the Single Sheets pricing and units in the quote
For the qty using only a single sheet, the /1 unit rate is applied of $14.40:
1 qty at /1 is $14.40
1 qty at /10 is $86.40
So /1 is chosen

For the qty using 10 sheets, the /10 unit rate is applied of $86.40:
10 qty at /1 is $14.40 * 10 = $144.00
10 qty at /10 is $86.40 *1 = $86.40
so /10 is chosen

For the qty using 11 sheets, the /1 unit rate is applied of $14.40:
11 qty at /1 is $14.4000 * 11 = $158.4
11 qty at /10 is $86.4000 * 2 = $172.8
so /1 is chosen

For the qty using 20 sheets, the /10 unit rate is applied of $86.40:
20 qty at /1 is $14.4000 * 10 = $288
20 qty at /10 is $86.4000 * 2 = $172.80
so /10 is chosen

Quantity Break Markups

Setting up quantity-based markups is achieved by adding pricing components that will determine the markup based on the sheet quantity

1 – 1000 sheets = 20% Markup
1001 – 5000 = 17.5% Markup
5001 – 10000 = 15% Markup
Over 10001 = 10% markup

When quoted, the markup will change in relation to the number of sheets required:

20% (1.2):

17.5% (1.175):

15% (1.15):

10% (1.1):

Area Pricing

For wide format printing where the sheet sizes are large, you may only want to charge based on the printed area.
To configure this set the stock up to use a ‘Per’ square meter/feet option and check ON ‘Only Price Printed Area’:

In this example where the sheet size is 1220x2440 and costs $10 per sheet:

When quoting a job at 1000mm x 1000mm (1m2) and for a quantity of 1:

The stock price will be based on the printed area (plus bleed) to round up to the m2.
On the below print with no bleed the area is 1m2 (or 0.336 of the sheet). At $10 per sheer this gives:
10 * 0.336 = $3.36:

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