This is where you enter the details of any ‘user’ you wish to add into printIQ.
All this is managed under Users>Create User at the top of the screen.
To create a new user, click ‘Create User’ and the following box will appear:
Compulsory Fields are marked with a red asterisk.
The create user type options can be Staff, Customer or Supplier.
The fields in the top half are general contact details.
You can enter any user name you choose based on your factory naming conventions.
Job Title is not a compulsory field but will help with classifying staff users.
Account Manager yes/no slider is for your factory staff that need the ability to manage their client accounts.
The Cust/Site option allows you to select either a site the user can access or customer level access.
The Brand applies where a company has multiple sites with varied branding. You can control what site branding the user will see.
Generate Password checkbox will let printIQ generate the password for the user and email it to them.
If you have a password convention you would prefer to use don't use the checkbox, instead complete the Password field.
Next is the roles and permissions settings.
The Roles the user is responsible for will control the level of access they have to printIQ.
A Supplier or Customer user will be set to those roles so they can only see their own orders and information.
The 'Email Login to' chooses who to send the login details for the new user to.
Options are: User, Me (the user logged in when creating the new user) or No-One.
The Factory Location is the Factory site the User will have access to.
Once complete, click ‘Create User’.
If you go back to the top menu Users>Users, you will now see your newly created User in the list.
In the screenshot below you can see the different users can have either multiple roles or a single one. The top user here would have access to planning and pricing information, whilst the bottom user would have minimal access outside their department.
From this screen without having to open the User Details you can see: the roles assigned to the User, if a User is an Account Manager (AM) and if their User is Enabled.
By clicking the dropdown arrow next to the magnifying glass you can also enable or disable a user or reset their password.
Click the user name to open the user account and for additional configuration options.
At the top will be the contact information you entered when you were creating the User.
Below that there will now be a tabbed section for Reporting, Roles, Departments and Alternate Customers.
REPORTING - To either view reports or build them, you’ll need Reporting roles enabled for your User
i.e. Reporting Admin or Reporting User checkboxes checked as well as the Admin checkbox.
Under any User Details screen, tick the boxes for Reporting Admin (create reports) and / or Reporting User (run reports).
Due to the fact that the Admin checkbox needs to be selected along with either Reporting Role the User may have higher level access than you wish for them to have.
From the Reporting tab you can check or uncheck the permissions or add more.
DEPARTMENTS - Select the department from the dropdown and click add. The list of Departments for that user will appear below,
you can click delete in the list of departments to remove any that no longer apply to that user.
You also have the option here to change the password, or generate and print a barcode for the user.
USER SETTINGS - The User Settings screen is broken into different sections for printIQ, Invoicing, Quoting and IQstore.
Most of these are self explanatory and simply relate to the views for the user when they login to printIQ.
A couple of options of note: