All Shop Floor users are granted access to several key functionalities, including:
- Job Details
- All Jobs Board
- Proof Details
- Sales Orders
- IQ Store Board
- Pre-Production Board
- Production Board and
- Capacity Planning
For Shop Floor users designated with the Dispatch User role, additional access is provided to:
- Inventory Purchase Orders
- Outsource Purchase Orders
- Dispatch Board
Capabilities of Shop Floor Users
All Shop Floor Users (SF Users) possess the following abilities:
- Viewing Job Details: SF Users can access and review job specifics, including artwork, job bags, and user assignments.
- Access the Proof Details screen: SF Users have the ability to view and download approved proofs.
- Note Addition and Label Production: They can append notes and generate dispatch labels for both Production Jobs and Sales Orders.
- Picking Lists and Packing Slips: SF Users have the authority to produce picking lists and packing slips for Sales Orders.
- Operational Control: They can initiate, pause, and conclude operations from within both Job Details and Job Bags, thereby advancing job statuses accordingly.
Additionally, SF Users enjoy read-only access to the All Jobs, IQ Store, Pre-Production, and Production Boards, along with read-only access to the Capacity Planning Board.
Shop Floor Users with Dispatch User Role
In addition to the aforementioned accesses above, SF Users holding the Dispatch User role are granted further access to:
- Inventory and Outsource Purchase Order boards for the purposes of viewing the POs and receipting in stocks and materials (inventory Purchase Orders) and / or outsourced jobs from the Outsource Purchase Orders
- Dispatch and Inventory Transfer Boards.