Stock - Inventory Stock Sizes

Stock - Inventory Stock Sizes

How to set up

Stock sizes are created under Admin/Configuration:

Inventory /  Stock Sizes:

This will open an admin screen listing all existing stock sizes:

The ‘Search’ fieed can be used to search specific sizes:

Click the ‘Edit’ icon to edit an existing size:

This opens the setup modal:

Create new size

New sizes can be created by clicking the ‘+’ button:

The modal initially contains the following fields:

  1. Name: Name given to the size (Such as A4)
    Supplier Reference: An internal reference field used for display on the board only
  2. Sheet Width: Width of the sheet
  3. Sheet Depth: Depth of the sheet
  4. Is Roll: Flags the stock as a roll (see below for more detail)
  5. Grain Long: Flags the stock as a long grain
  6. Cut Stock: Flags the stock as a ‘Cut Size’ for linking to ‘Stock Size Cutting Rules’
  7. Active: Flags the record as Active or Inactive

Is Roll:
This opens an additional section for ‘Roll Settings’:

Roll Length: Enter the length of the roll
Variable Length: Switched size to variable length when the stock is not supplied in a set length
Roll Remaining Length Behaviour:   There are two options on how the end lengths of the roll are handled:

Print Across Borders, No Spoils for Remaining Lengths:   The full roll length is calculated when quoting
Don’t Print Across Borders, Spoil Remaining Length of Rolls: If additional qty of a job will not fit on the remaining roll length,
it will be treated as spoils and charged to the customer.  This option can be used in conjunction with:
Maximum Remaining Length to Spoil: This will add a maximum amount of length of a roll to spoil when using the option above.
If the remaining length of a roll is below this, we spoil the remaining length of that roll. If it is above, we won't spoil the remainder of that roll, and instead keep it to be used on another job.

Here is a job on a 50m roll. The length of the job is 26m and a qty of 3 is quoted.
With the setting Print Across Borders, No Spoils for Remaining Lengths only 2 rolls are charged:

With the setting Don’t Print Across Borders, Spoil Remaining Length of Rolls 3 rolls are charged:

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