Dispatch Board – Freight By Cart - Address (Cart) Based

Dispatch Board – Freight By Cart - Address (Cart) Based


This article covers the dispatch board for systems configured to price freight by cart (‘New’ Freight)
For systems using freight per product, refer KB article Dispatch Board - Freight by Product

Freight by cart allows for more granular control over shipping the products in the cart, allowing you to combine the deliveries for products going to the same destination. 
This board displays delivery details for all deliveries in the system. The results returned can be filtered using the comprehensive filter sets at the top of the board.

Dispatch Board details

The information displayed on the board can be controlled with the board ‘Column Selector’, to the right of the search field: 

The dispatch board is customisable on a per user basis, allowing users to set what columns are displayed and hide information that may be irrelevant to them by enabling each column they wish to include in their view. Clicking ‘Reset’ resets the columns back to the factory default as shown below:

Saved Filters and Customisable Columns

The dispatch board is customisable on a per user basis. Various combinations of filter settings described below can be saved, set as the default view and recalled later. 
Refer to Knowledgebase Article - Setting global and default user filters on boards

Users can also set what columns are displayed and hide information that may be irrelevant to them. The selected columns are used for all dispatch board tabs and are recalled when the user logs back into the system again.

Refer to KB Article ‘Customise your Production, Pre-Production, and All Job boards’ for further details.

Board Columns:

  1. Address: Delivery address for the contents of the dispatch.
  2. Contact Initials: Delivery Contacts’ initials.
  3. Customer: Customer name.
  4. Reference: Job / Order numbers of the products.
  5. Item Count: Distinct count of items in delivery.
  6. Invoiced: Yes / No
  7. Courier: Freight Supplier assigned the delivery.
  8. Del Days: Number of days to deliver to destination.
  9. Shipment Date: Date the delivery should leave the factory.
  10. Expected Date: Ship Date plus Delivery Days (allowing for weekends)
  11. Connote: Consignment note assigned to the delivery by the freight supplier.
  12. Tracking Code
  13. Blind Ship: Shows a Blind Ship icon on the delivery line. Hover to view Blind Ship address details.
  14. Delivery Sign Off: Shows a pen icon   indicating the delivery requires signoff by the customer.
  15. Delivery Instructions: Show as a speech icon   if there are delivery notes attached. ‘Hover’ to view.
  16. Progress: Coloured progress bar depicting the status of the delivery.

Board Filters

Filter options at the top of the board allow limiting the list to deliveries with specific Dispatch Statuses, Sources (Sales Order, Job and / or Campaign), Courier, Delivery Options (Standard, Samples, Proofs and Overs) and Delivery Types.
When no filters are selected in a tab, printIQ behaves as if all filters in that tab were selected.
Using these filters with each other allows a very granular view of the deliveries.
The funnel button toggles the filter options visibility: 

Various filter combinations can be saved per user and recalled with just a couple of clicks enabling quick access to specific deliveries. 

To add a ‘Saved Filter’, select the filters in each tab as you want to save them.  
With no filters selected in a tab (eg. Sources and Delivery Options below) there are no restrictions from that filter tab applied to the results. 
Deliveries of all types (Standard, Proof, Overs and Samples) from all sources (Jobs, Sales Orders and Campaigns) being shipped by freight provider UPS and with dispatch status’s that are not ‘Pending’ or Complete’ are brought through onto the board: 

To save the filter, click the   on the Saved Filter selector to create a new filter.

And give it a unique name.
The selected filters are shown in their respective groups in the Saved Filter modal below:

Selected columns are not saved with saved filters.  
The selected columns will be displayed irrespective of which saved filter are used. The selected columns to view are saved against the current logged-in user. 

With Admin rights, saved filters can be flagged to be ‘Shared with Staff’.
This makes them available as pre-defined filters for application users.
When not set to ‘Share with Staff’, the default option is ‘My Default’:

When ‘Share with Staff’ enabled, ‘My Default’ changes to ‘Default for Staff’: 

Any filter can be set as the default filter which will be the filter applied when the board loads for the logged in user. Below the filters are two switches:
  1. Requires SignOff  will return only deliveries requiring signoff that satisfy the rest of the selected filters. This switch limits the returned results.
  2. Completed Jobs will include completed jobs in the returned results that satisfy the rest of the selected filters. This switch adds to the results.
These switches are user selectable fields and do not save down as part of saved filters; they are always unselected when the dispatch board is loaded. 

Results can be further restricted using the switches and selectors accordingly.
These settings are not retained as part of a saved filter

Factory Location:

Deliveries Due:

Alternatively, a date range can be applied to filter the results:

Dispatch Board Entries

On the left side of each delivery entry on the board, are three buttons: 

The ‘+’ expands the entry, showing the items (depicted by the number of items) within the delivery, the job or order number and the status of them: 

The check box selector  allows one or more delivery entries to be selected; enabling actions to be performed on one or more deliveries from the Action Bar that appears once a delivery has been selected.

Action Bar

The Action Bar appears when one or more delivery has been selected:

Depending on the deliveries selected, one or more of the actions may be disabled.
When an action button is disabled, a tool tip will indicate why the action cannot be performed on the selected deliveries.

Action Bar - Change Status

Clicking Change Status opens a Status Selector modal with ‘Dispatched’ selected. 

If any of the selected deliveries are for a campaign, you cannot bulk update the dispatch status of the delivery:

Change if needed and click update to change the status of the selected deliveries. 

Setting deliveries to ‘Dispatched’ simply updates the delivery status. Consignments are not generated.

Action Bar - Dispatch Selected

Enables dispatching multiple deliveries in the one consignment.
Selected deliveries must be for the same address.
Campaign deliveries cannot be dispatched as part of a consolidated delivery consignment. 


If both roadblocks are encountered, the tooltip is combined: 

When clicked, the ‘Create Consignment’ modal opens with the product details and carton details presented:

Clicking ‘Package everything above’ enables you to package the jobs into one or more outer boxes:

Action Bar - Set Ship Date

The Ship Date is the date the job must leave the factory to be delivered on time.
The Expected Date is calculated from the Ship Date (Ship Date + Delivery Days) 
Ship date can be set for any selected delivery:

The Update Delivery Ship Date modal opens, and a date and time can be selected:

Clicking Save updates the selected Ship Date and Expected Date: 

Action Bar - Exported Selected

Used for exporting dispatch details to shipping providers for bulk processing.  
Use the ‘Couriers’ filter tab to facilitate this function: 

When deliveries for the same carrier are selected,  you can export the selected delivery details to a pre-defined CSV format for import to your carriers MIS system:

printIQ will export all selected deliveries.

Further filtering of the results (for example specific delivery statuses) can be performed at the report level.
Contact printIQ Support to enable this feature.

Delivery Entry

The drop-down menu for each delivery offers the following 6 options (7 if the delivery requires ‘Signoff’):

  1. Details: Opens the job or sales order.
  2. Change Status: User can select status to set the delivery to.
  3. Filter Address: Returns other deliveries to the same address.
  4. Print Labels: Opens the ‘Dispatch Labels’ modal to produce box labels.
  5. Print Labels and Create Consignment: Opens the ‘Create Consignment’ modal.
  6. Create Labels and Consignment: Opens the ‘Create Consignment (Advanced)’ modal.
  7. Delivery Signoff Docket: (only shows for deliveries requiring Signoff) Opens the ‘Signoff’ document selector.

Delivery signoff is indicated by either an orange (Awaiting Signoff) or green (Signed Off) Pen icon:

Delivery Notes

Delivery notes are shown as a green ‘speech bubble’ icon to the right of the delivery line:

Hovering over the icon will display the Dispatch Notes on the delivery.
If the delivery address definition on the Customer Details record has either Internal or External notes on it:

They will trigger the green notes icon and will also be shown in the tool-tip hover with the dispatch notes:

The dispatch note is also shown against its associated product when the delivery entry is expanded: 

Again, the contents of the dispatch notes are presented in a tool-tip hover:

Note: If there is a Dispatch Note on a Sales Order that has multiple items on it, because the dispatch note is attached to the sales order, the Icon will show on all product rows for that sales order.

Dispatch Product Details

The contents of any dispatch can be viewed by clicking the   button the left of the delivery entries expands the details of the contents of the delivery:

All fields come from their respective sales orders / jobs in printIQ.
Changes made to the Sales Orders and Job Details are reflected here.
  1. Reference is a link to the sales order or job relating to the product in the delivery.
  2. Status is where in the production lifecycle the sales order or job is at.
  3. Title, Description, Quantity and Due Date are all taken from the job / sales order details.
  4. The ‘Ship Date’ on the Dispatch Board is set to the earliest date set in the items within the delivery.

The note icon, to the right of the product line depicts a Dispatch Note linked to this product.
Hovering over it will display the note:
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