Creating and Updating Customers and Suppliers via CSV

Creating and Updating Customers and Suppliers via CSV

The process for bulk uploading or updating Customers and Suppliers is the same. Where ‘Customers’ are referred to below, you can substitute ‘Suppliers’ or ‘Freight Company’ as required.
They must be uploaded in separate CSV files with the correct ‘Customer Type’ selected on the Customer Upload screen before uploading.

A PDF reference sheet is attached to this article for you to download. 

The Customer Bulk Upload spreadsheet allows you to create one Billing Address, one Delivery Address and one Contact when creating customers/suppliers.
Use the Address Bulk Upload or the Contact Bulk Upload to create multiple addresses or contacts for customers/suppliers once the customer record exists inside printIQ.

Customer/Supplier uploads are performed under Admin > Customers > Import:

On the left, select the type of upload you wish to use. Each option will open a slightly different upload view, with the relevant spreadsheet template available to download.
Customer Bulk Upload is used for uploading Customers, Suppliers and Freight Company’s.

Address Bulk Upload – Allows bulk uploading or updating of addresses to one or multiple customers or suppliers. This requires the Customer or Supplier record to already exist:

Contact Upload – Allows bulk uploading or updating of contact details to one or multiple customers or suppliers. This also requires the Customer or Supplier record to already exist:

With Customer Bulk Upload selected, you will see a Site Selector. This is used to set the site for the customers you are about to upload. Account Managers in the CSV must be linked to the site identified here:

Customer Type depicts the type of record being imported. All records in the Upload CSV must be the same type:

Step 1 – Download the spreadsheet associated with your version of printIQ

To get an up-to-date copy of the upload spreadsheet, it is best to downloaded it from the Customer Upload screen (using an old version may cause the upload to fail):

Alternatively, you can filter for one or more Customers on the customers board and with ‘Customers’ selected, export the filtered customers to a CSV:

This enables you to see the expected values for some of the fields in the spreadsheet.

Step 2 – Populate the spreadsheet with Customer/Supplier details.

Next, populate the spreadsheet with relevant customer or supplier details.
All columns marked with an asterisk (*) in the Header row, must contain data for each row on the CSV. These fields cannot be left blank, or the spreadsheet will fail to upload.
If you do not have information available for one of the compulsory fields, you must add in temporary data for the upload to be successful:

There are more compulsory columns than the ones highlighted in the following image (see details below)

Column “A” – Code* (Compulsory field)
Fill in a code for the customer/supplier. All customer records must have a unique code.
Column “B” – Name* (Compulsory field)
Customer name
Column “C” – Site Code
Can be blank – if blank, the site as set on the Customer Upload screen will be used. The code of the site the customer/supplier will be linked to.
Column “D” – Phone
Can be blank.
Column “E” – Fax
Can be blank.
Column “F” – Mobile
Can be blank.
Column “G” – Email* (Compulsory field)
Fill in the main email address for the Customer.
Column “H” – Website
Can be blank.
Column “I” – Comment
Can be blank. Adds a customer comment:
Column “J” - Alternate Account Code
Can be blank. Used for some financial integrations.
Column “K” – Active
Can be blank – If blank, entry will be created as active.
To create an active customer, expected values are YES or TRUE
To create an inactive customer, expected values are NO or FALSE
Column “L” – AdrID 
Can be blank. 
Address ID assigned by printIQ. If this is populated (from exporting customers) the address details following it will be updated on upload. If blank, the address will be created.
Column “M” – Address Name
Can be blank – some freight features (Blind Shipping) and integrations (DPD UK) do require an address name.
Column “N” – Address Line 1* (Compulsory field)
Fill in the first line of address in this field.
Column “O” – Address Line 2 
Can be blank. Populate if needed.
Column “P” – Address Line 3
Can be blank. Populate if needed.
Column “Q” – City* (Compulsory field)
Fill in the city of the address.
Column “R” – Country* (Compulsory field)
Fill in the country of the address. 
Column “S” – Postcode* (Compulsory field)
Fill in the postcode of the address. 
Column “T” – State* (The field is only compulsory for addresses from countries that have states) 
Fill in the state of the address. 
Column “U” – Address Notes Internal
Can be blank. Internal Notes on a Delivery Address -
Column “V” – Address Notes External
Can be blank. External Notes on a Delivery Address –
Column “W” – arAddressID
Must be blank for new customer creation. Delivery Address ID assigned by printIQ.  
If this is populated (from exporting customers) the delivery address details following will be updated on upload. If blank, the address is created.
Column “X” – Delivery Addr Name 
Can be blank - some freight features (Blind Shipping) and integrations (DPD UK) do require a delivery address name.
Column “Y” – Delivery Addr Line 1
Can be blank – Must be populated to create a delivery address and to stop the following address fields being ignored.
Column “Z” – Delivery Addr Line 2
Can be blank. Populate if needed.
Column “AA” – Delivery Addr Line 3
Can be blank. Populate if needed.
Column “AB” – Delivery Addr City
Can be blank - becomes a compulsory field if ‘Column Y’ is populated. 
Column “AC” – Delivery Addr Country 
Can be blank - becomes a compulsory field if ‘Column Y’ is populated. Must use an active country.
Column “AD” – Delivery Addr Postcode
Can be blank - becomes a compulsory field if ‘Column Y’ is populated.
Column “AE” – Delivery Addr State
Can be blank - becomes a compulsory field if ‘Column Y’ is populated. Must use an active state.
Column “AF” – Delivery Addr Notes Internal
Can be blank. Internal Notes on a Delivery Address
Column “AG” – Delivery Addr Notes External
Can be blank. External Notes on a Delivery Address
Column “AH” – Delivery Can Blind Ship
Can be blank. Sets whether the delivery address is to be created as a Blind Ship address:
Column “AI” – Deliver Blind Ship Default
Can be blank. Sets the delivery address as the ‘Default blind ship address’.
Column “AJ” – CCID
Can be blank. Customer Contact ID assigned by printIQ. If this field is populated (from export), the contact details following it will be updated. If blank, the contact is created.
While the Customer Contact fields are not mandatory, if columns AL, AM or AQ are populated (First Name, Surname or Email address) the others become compulsory.
Minimum requirements to create a contact is First Name, Surname AND Email Address
Column “AK” – Contact Title
Can be blank. Examples include Mr. Mrs. Dr, Sir
Column “AL” – Contact First Name
Can be blank.
Column “AM” – Contact Surname
Can be blank.
Column “AN” – Contact Phone
Can be blank.
Column “AO” – Contact Fax
Can be blank.
Column “AP” – Contact Mobile
Can be blank.
Column “AQ” – Contact Email
Can be blank.
Column “AR” – Contact Website
Can be blank.
Column “AS” – Contact Comment
Can be blank.
Column “AT” – Contact Email Invoice
Can be blank.
Column “AU” – Credit Terms
Can be blank. For Supplier import, set this to their Credit Terms for you. If it is 20th of the Month following Invoice, this will set the Due Date on the supplier’s invoice to match their Credit Terms. If left blank it will default to Online Credit Card.
Column “AV” – MIS Ref 1
Can be blank - Outdated field. No longer in use.
Column “AW” – MIS Ref 2
Can be blank - Outdated field. No longer in use.
Column “AX” – MIS Ref 3
Can be blank - Outdated field. No longer in use.
Column “AY” – Account Manager* (Compulsory field)
Fill in the name of the Account Manager that will be linked to the customer. Ensure they are linked to the same site as the customer.
Column “AZ” – Price List 1
Can be blank.
Column “BA” – Price List 1 Override
Can be blank.
Column “BB” – Price List 2
Can be blank.
Column “BC” – Price List 2 Override
Can be blank.
Column “BD” – Price List 3
Can be blank.
Column “BE” – Price List 3 – Override
Can be blank.
Column “BF” – Price List 4
Can be blank.
Column “BG” – Price List 4 Override
Can be blank.
Column “BH” – Price List Group
Can be blank.
Column “BI” – BrandID
Can be blank.
Column “BJ” – Company Number Type
Can be blank. Refers to business number type. Expected values include ABN, GST, VAT
Column “BK” – Company Number
Can be blank. Refers to business number. ABN/GST/VAT number
Column “BL” – Account Status ID
Can be blank. Status of customer account. On Hold, Normal, Disabled, On Hold – Over Credit Limit
Column “BM” – CusTier
Can be blank. Pricing Tier for customer
Column “BN” – DateCreated
Can be blank. If exported, will display date customer record was created.
Column “BO” – Last Modified By
Can be blank. If exported, will display name of last user to modify and save customer record.
Column “BP” – Tax Type
Can be blank. Tax Type assigned to customer. 
Column “BQ” – Discount rate(%)
Can be blank. Discount/Surcharge rate can be applied to a customer.
Column “BR” – Discount Based On
Can be blank. Pricing discount/surcharge rate should be applied to (e.g Sell, Cost, Cost +)
Column “BS” – Billing Customer
Can be blank. Populate with customer code if another customer is to be the billing customer.
Column “BT” - “CM” – Customer Reference 1 (1-20)
Can be blank. Up to 20 customer references can be applied. 
Column “CN” – “CQ” - Group 1 (1–4)
Can be blank. Up to 4 customer groups can be applied.
Column “CR” – Freight Overrides
Can be blank. A freight override can be applied at customer level.
Column “CS” – Important Notes
Can be blank. Important Notes can be set and will pop up on screen when this customer is selected for quoting.
Column “CT” – Outstanding Balance
Can be blank. A text field where the outstanding balance can be saved on customer details.
Column “CU” – Credit Limit
Can be blank. A credit limit can be set for customers.
Column “CV” – Currency Code
Can be blank. The currency for the customer can be updated by adding an active currency code.
Column “CW” – Commission Rate(%)
Can be blank. A commission percentage rate can be applied so account managers receive a percentage of a sell price.
Spreadsheet must be saved as a CSV to upload

Step 3  Upload the spreadsheet to printIQ

On the same screen the spreadsheet was downloaded from, you will see upload options. Ensure you have the correct site and Customer Type selected:

Click on 'Choose File' and choose the CSV spreadsheet. Double check all selected options are correct and click the green “Create and Update Customers” button:

Once the file has uploaded to the system, a confirmation message will appear on the screen:

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