Delivery Address Notes

Delivery Address Notes

Two notes can be added to individual addresses in Customer Details. They are labelled Internal Notes and External Notes, however they both work in the same way – the names are simply identifiers…

These notes are visible to staff users only.

When present, these notes appear in 3 places in printIQ…

  1. Job Details Dispatch tab – mouse over the notes icon to see the address notes as a tool tip…

  1. The Edit Freight modal within Job Details…

  1. On the Dispatch Board, depicted by the green Notes icon…

These notes are specific to the address they are loaded against. If the note is updated on an address entry in Customer Details, the change will be reflected in ALL existing notes for that address.

These fields have also been added to the Delivery Docket generator as DeliveryNotesAddressInternal and DeliveryAddressNotesExternal and can be added to the delivery docket if required.

They are also available in reporting in the view VW_Reporting_Address.

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