Fold Lay Definition
Fold Lays Think of it as units per hour but at a section level. This allows it to calculate correctly with standard jobs and folded book sections. Take a 16pp book printed as 2 x 8pp sections for a qty of 500, but there is an actually 1,000 fold lays ...
CIP4 Reference Manual Fold Catalog
The document attached to this Knowledge Base Article is for CIP4 Fold. Reference Manual Fold Catalog
Gutters, Outer Margins, Spine Width and bleed for the Fold Catalogue.
GUTTERs and OUTER MARGINs These are set up to add the LIP & HEADS for a stitched signature or fold-lay; and for the GRIND & HEADS on the Perfect Bound Book. The example below is a 16p signature (fold lay) with bleed, head trim and lip. 16p Signature ...
MULTIPLE FOLDS - Book Sections
MULTIPLE FOLDS When quoting Text sections for books, there is a Multiple Folds tick box. After selecting the stock and front and back processes, you enter the number of pages. Taking into account your factory capabilities, finished size and press ...
Fold Catalogues
At the bottom of this article, you will find an attached pdf "Fold catalogue defined" with a more in-depth explanation of the Fold Catalogue fields. Link to: CIP4 Reference Manual Fold Catalog Fold Catalogues The folds catalogue is where you enter ...