Xero Account Status Check Reauthentication Steps
Overview The Account Status Check background task may fail due to expired Xero Account Tokens and printIQ will need to be reauthenticated to Xero. As a result of the background account check task failing, a Group Task is created in printIQ by the ...
Xero - Exporting Job and Order Invoice Quantity
Introduction Job and sales item quantities can be exported to Xero. When invoice details are exported to Xero, it requires a quantity and a unit price. Xero then calculates the line value by multiplying them together. By default, we export the ...
XERO Tracking Codes
printIQ has capabilities to export tracking code to XERO reference field. Customers need to reach out to printIQ support team to enable this function. Please provide us with your requirement what information you want us to add into the tracking codes ...
XERO - Back End Settings in printIQ
Invoice status passing to Xero When invoices are exported from printIQ, these setting’s control the status of sales and supplier invoices imported into Xero. Yes, the invoices will import into Xero under ‘Draft’ status. No, the invoices will import ...
Xero Integration - Workflow and FAQ
Workflow Workflow tends to vary from business to business depending on how you prefer to operate. Generally, printIQ and Xero will interact as follows: Customers / debtors Sales invoices are generated and emailed out of printIQ. Data from each ...
Xero Export Failed - Duplicated Contact number
Error generated while exporting invoices to Xero. "Another contact has this contact number. Please enter a different contact number". In order to export information from printIQ to Xero the contact information needs to be the same in both programs. ...