Xero Account Status Check Reauthentication Steps

Xero Account Status Check Reauthentication Steps


The Account Status Check background task may fail due to expired Xero Account Tokens and printIQ will need to be reauthenticated to Xero.
As a result of the background account check task failing, a Group Task is created in printIQ by the ‘printIQ System user and assigned to ALL users with the ‘Invoice Admin’ user role.

This shows as a red number beside the username on the Menu bar.

How to reauthenticate

Any user with login access to Xero should be able to complete this task and re-establish the Xero connection.
Click the red number next to your username to view tasks.
You will see a task stating Reauthentication Required.

Clicking the   at the left of the task.

Redirects to the Reauthenticate Account screen

If there is more than one site connected to separate instances of Xero, they will all be listed here.
In this example, there are 2 Xero Instances. One specifically for Chicago and the other for all sites except Chicago

The user needs to re-authenticate each of the failed connections individually.
Clicking the green Reauthenticate button will redirect them to Xero where they must login and refresh the connection.

This will bring up your Xero login screen

Log in as usual and authenticate to Xero as needed and click ‘Allow Access’ to authenticate

Make sure you selected the correct organisation you want to link with IQ before clicking Allow access

Processing request

We then re-test the connection and show a success / fail message accordingly

Click Ok on this message returns you back to the Reauthenticate Account Status screen

Repeat steps for all instances 

After successfully completing the final authentication, you will get a Reauthentication Complete message.
You can see all connections in the background are now authenticated.
Clicking ‘Finished’ on this message takes you back to your landing page in printIQ and the group task is automatically completed for all assigned users.

Your Xero accounts integration is now connected to printIQ again.

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