1. Site and Supplier Filters
Users can filter the OPOs based on specific sites and suppliers.
2. Tabs for Filtering
Statuses - Shows the current stage of the purchase order lifecycle:
Invoice Status - Indicates whether the order has been invoiced. Note that invoicing can only occur when the order status is 'Goods Received' or later:
Supplier Response - Reflects the supplier's response status:
3. Ready to Invoice Flag
Highlights purchase orders that have an un-invoiced value greater than zero and a status of 'Goods Received' or later:
4. Date-Based Filters
Creation Date Range - Users can filter OPOs by their creation date, using the current date as the 'To' date:
Sent to Supplier Date Range - Allows filtering based on when orders were sent to suppliers:
5. Column Headers with Built-in Filtering
Job Completed and Job Dispatched Columns - Available to supplier users, these columns include date selectors to filter jobs completed or cancelled on specific dates:
Which, when set, will return the jobs completed or cancelled on the selected date:
Job Status Column - Available to internal users only, offering a multi-select drop-down with relevant statuses:
6. Customizable Columns for Internal Users
Over 35 columns can be shown or hidden based on user preferences, including detailed OPO information, remote quotes, job numbers, related job details, and statuses:
7. Progress Icons
Visual indicators next to the progress bar to show the current status of OPOs:
Blue: OPO created but not yet started:
Orange: Supplier has received the OPO and started work:
Red Exclamation Mark: Delay in the order:
Green: Order completion with dispatch details and timeline summary:
OPO Actions
Download OPO PDF: Each OPO has an option to download as PDF.
Retry Job Creation: For OPOs related to an IQ Link product, if job creation on the remote site fails, an option to retry is available:
If the job did create without issues, this option will not be visible, but other options may be, depending on the status of the OPO:
Once an OPO reaches or surpasses the 'Goods Received' status, users can select individual or multiple OPOs for invoicing.
OPO Cancellation
To cancel an Outsource Purchase Order, the status must be updated to 'Order Cancelled' on the OPO Board.
The Purchase Order Cancellation Email setting enables email notifications to be sent to a supplier when a Purchase Order has been cancelled in printIQ.
This setting has three options:
- Skip Email
- Automatically Email
- Prompt Before Email
Skip Email
When Skip Email is configured, an email will never be sent to the supplier on PO cancellation
Automatically Email
When ‘Automatically Email’ is set, a cancellation email is sent to the supplier automatically once a PO has been set to the cancelled status. The email is sent as soon as the status is changed and a prompt will not appear on-screen.
Prompt Before Email
When ‘Prompt Before Email’ is configured, a pop-up appears on screen after the status of the PO has been updated to Cancelled, and before the email is sent. This gives users the option to send the cancellation or not. The pop-up will display the email address and name of the supplier who the email will be sent to. User must click ‘Send Email’ to send the cancellation email or ‘Don’t Send’ to stop the email from being sent out.
Supplier Users’ View
Suppliers are configured to access the suppliers version of the OPO Board from the settings in the Suppliers Details screen:
Suppliers may also be granted access to input invoicing details against dispatched purchase orders (OPO Status of Goods Received):
Supplier users have a restricted view tailored to their needs.
Upon logging in, the supplier linked to the user is automatically selected, and Site and Supplier selectors are hidden.
Supplier users can use the same filters as internal users except for those in the Statuses tab relating to PO statuses not relevant to their workflow (Awaiting Approval, PO Created, Order Cancelled).
Supplier users have a predetermined set of columns for their view of the board.
If Allow Supplier Invoicing is enabled in the supplier's details, selectors next to qualifying OPOs allow for multiple OPOs to be invoiced together. Without this setting, these selectors are not shown.