OUTSOURCE - Outsource Board

OUTSOURCE - Outsource Board

This board is used to keep track of the outsourced jobs or operations.
The progress bar column shows a visual of the progress of the outsource life cycle using the traffic light system:

Red indicates internal processes such as the order is created but the goods are not yet sent 
(status includes Awaiting Approval, PO Created, Email Sent and Invoice Received) 

Orange indicates physical ‘goods’ related status options
(status includes Goods Sent and Goods Received)

Green indicates complete

Hover over the end icon to see details that can be entered by your supplier through their portal:

Click on the dropdown next to the eyeglass for a selection of function shortcuts.
Here you can access other screens such as the job details or generate a supplier invoice
(using the checkboxes you can multi select orders for the same supplier to bulk invoice). You can also change the order status:

To cancel an Outsource Purchase Order, the status must be updated to 'Order Cancelled' on the OPO Board.

The Purchase Order Cancellation Email setting enables email notifications to be sent to a supplier when a Purchase Order has been cancelled in printIQ.

This setting has three options:
  1. Skip Email
  2. Automatically Email 
  3. Prompt Before Email
Skip Email
When Skip Email is configured, an email will never be sent to the supplier on PO cancellation
Automatically Email
When ‘Automatically Email’ is set, a cancellation email is sent to the supplier automatically once a PO has been set to the cancelled status. The email is sent as soon as the status is changed and a prompt will not appear on-screen.
Prompt Before Email
When ‘Prompt Before Email’ is configured, a pop-up appears on screen after the status of the PO has been updated to Cancelled, and before the email is sent.
This gives users the option to send the cancellation or not.
The pop-up will display the email address and name of the supplier who the email will be sent to.
User must click ‘Send Email’ to send the cancellation email or ‘Don’t Send’ to stop the email from being sent out.

Email Template:
The body text and format of the email template can be customised under the ‘Outsource Purchase Order Cancellation' template:

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