INVENTORY – Configuring multiple suppliers

INVENTORY – Configuring multiple suppliers

A single inventory item can have multiple suppliers linked to it.
When this is the case, the ‘Preferred’ checkbox is ignored and the 'cheapest' stock price will be used for quote pricing:

Stocks must be set to 'Inventory Pricing' for this functionality to work

When generating a purchase order directly against the inventory item or from the stock pick screen, the ‘preferred’ supplier and pricing are always used

This can be changed on the order by selecting one of the other suppliers from the ‘Supplier’ list:

For any item that is a ‘Paper’ based inventory item, there is a checkbox option ‘Manually Calculated’ that comes into play:

When used, only the supplier options with the checkbox ‘unchecked’ will be used in any quote calculations.
Inside a quotes stock options, you will see these entries with (Manual) in the name: 

This means to quote using these options, you need to manually select this supplier option to be quoted against.

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