Custom Shapes

Custom Shapes


When quoting for packaging, formulas are required to calculate the flat size of a carton
as these products are 3 dimensional and often include glue tabs and interlocks.
Using the shape creator, users can configure the formulas for use later in custom and simplified quotes.

Configure Custom Shapes

Custom shape templates can be created from the ‘Custom Shapes’ option in the Configure Factory’ screen under the ‘General’ heading:  

From the admin screen you can see all created templates.
You can edit existing shapes and create new shapes.
You can toggle to show or hide active/inactive shapes and search on your shape library.

Click on the + icon to create a new shape:

The shape creation screen has multiple input fields and configuration options  that are used to calculate the flat sheet size for imposing:



  1. Shape Name – The name used in the shape selector dropdown when quoting and in the quote description
  2. Shape Description – A description field used on the shape admin screen for detailed identification
  3. Area Calc Type – Underlying calculation type for either Rectangle or Round shapes
  4. Width Title – The flat size wording used in the shape selector dropdown when quoting 
  5. Depth Title – The flat size wording used in the shape selector dropdown when quoting 
  6. Shape Width Expression – formula field to use on single section shapes
  7. Shape Depth Expression – formula field to use on single section shapes
  8. Hide Flat Width – Yes/No option for displaying flat size in the shape selector dropdown when quoting
  9. Hide Flat Depth – Yes/No option for displaying flat size in the shape selector dropdown when quoting
  10. Active - Yes/No option

Shapes Input

Used to configure the fields required to construct the package such as Width, Height and Depth
  1. Shape Input Name – The name used to show the field in the shape selector dropdown when quoting
  2. Shape Input – use a number to set the order the field will show in the shape selector dropdown when quoting
  3. Min Value – minimum size for the dimension
  4. Max Value – maximum size for the dimension
  5. Allow Other and ‘Dropdown arrow’
    Used when options are offered for selection via a dropdown
    1. A glue tab with three default selections
Allow Other setup

With "Allow other" off, the user can only select from the options configured

With "Allow other"  on, the user can only select from the options configured

Shapes Output

this section will output the calculated flat size of the shape, based on the defined expressions
This relates to materials using the ‘Shape Output’ calculation.
  1. Shape Output Name – name the output option. This is used to link to a material
  2. Output Order – use a number to set the order the field will show in the shape selector dropdown when quoting
  3. Output Expression - formula field to calculate the material cost

Shapes Section Mapping

This is used when there is more than one section to the package, such as a box with a lid.
  1. Section Type – select a section type to link the formula to
  2. Section Type Width Expression - formula field to use on the section
  3. Section Type Depth Expression - formula field to use on the section

CSV Product Upload

When uploading new products via the csv, use the ‘Shape Name’ in the csv ‘Size’ field
The text ‘Shape:’ must be entered before the size name. eg. Shape:Cereal Box

Single piece box – For a single flat sheet with input for the width, height, depth and 3 options for the glue tab.
Using the formula fields at the top of the screen,

The formula for the flat width
(2 * input1) + (2 * input3) + input4

The formula for the flat height is
input2 + (1.5 * input3)

When quoting the size input is viewed as below (with a dropdown list for the glue tab)


Box & Lid

In this example, the carton is in two separate pieces, a box, and a lid

The formula is held under the heading ‘SHAPES SECTION MAPPING’.
Each section uses a different calculation.
1st Sheet (Box)
This uses a formula for the flat width at:
Input1 + (2 * Input3) + (2 * 50)
The 50 in the above is the fold  over at the top of the box for interlocks or gluing

This uses a formula for the flat height at:
Input2 + (2 * Input3)

2nd Sheet (Lid)
This uses a formula for the flat width at:
Input1 + (2 * Input4)

This uses a formula for the flat height at:
Input2 + (4 * Input4) + 5 + 5
The 5 in the above is added for interlocks or gluing on two sides

When quoting you would have two sections

Select ‘Custom Shape’ from the ‘Finish Size’ field

Selecting the shape option, enter the overall box size

And the flat size is calculated differently for each section


Glue material costs

We have created a shaped output called ‘ Glue Area’ with a calculation of:
(input1*input4) + (input2*input4) + (input3*input4)

In the above we have created a shape output called ‘Glue Area’ with a calculation of:
(input1*input4) + (input2*input4) + (input3*input4)
Used on a quote with the below sizes input we calculate a total of 5590mm of glue ‘material’ for the box glue flaps

215 (input1) x 13 (input4) = 2795
130 (input2) x 13 (input4) = 1690
85 (input3) x 13 (input4)   = 1105
Total    = 5590

Material and Operation Setup

A material must be configured and linked to an operation
  1. The material ‘Calc type’ must be set to ‘Shape Output’
  2. Select the required ‘Shape Output Name’ from the list to link the material to (this is how the calculation is applied)

An operation must be created with the material set linked

When the operation is added to the quote, the calculation will be applied to the material giving a charge for the linked materials


Custom shapes are also available on simplified products

Fixed sizes cannot be saved into the simplified session or SPC session. For fixed sizes, a new flat size must be created and used in the product.


Shapes can also be added to Widget Products.
Once the shape (size) is selected, the input fields pertaining to the selected shape are presented to the user...


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