Sales Order Item Picking and Stock Replenishment

Sales Order Item Picking and Stock Replenishment

Please read in conjunction with KB Article - Sales Orders Backorder Process

When a Sales Order is being picked, and there is insufficient quantity of an item supplied by a 3rd party, you can generate a replacement Inventory Purchase Order directly from the Sales Order Pick screen.
This is performed independent of the Back Order process, however they are both important with regards to maintaining the store items stock levels and dispatching your sales orders.


Sales Orders are managed from the ‘Sales Order’ board. They start on a status of either ‘Confirmed’ or ‘Paid’:

From the IQ Store Board, open the Sales Order.
From the order screen, you can see the order ‘Quantity’ and the current ‘In Stock’ quantity:

To pick qty against the order, click on the ‘Picked’ field:

This shows a modal allowing you to select a warehouse location. This also shows the locations quantity on hand. Click the ‘Pick’ button to confirm the pick:

A popup flag will show confirming the order status will be updated. Click ‘Yes’ to set the status to ‘Packed’ or ‘No’ to set the status to ‘Picked’:

Once picked, you have the option to ‘Return’ the picked qty if required:

Partial Picks/Backorder

You can do partial picks. Enter a quantity below the order quantity:

You will be asked of you would like to place the outstanding qty on backorder:

A ‘Confirm Order Split’ modal is shown asking for confirmation on how to manage the split. You cat set the status for the split to be set to along with the option of adding any additional shipping charges:

Once confirmed, a new order will be created using the same number just with a ‘-001’ as the suffix:

This order can now be managed independently from the base order.

Sales Order Item Picking and Stock Replenishment

Please read in conjunction with KB Article - Sales Orders Backorder Process

When a Sales Order is being picked, and there is insufficient quantity of an item supplied by a third party, you can generate a replacement Inventory Purchase Order directly from the Sales Order Pick screen.

This is performed independent of the Back Order process, however they are both important with regards to maintaining the store items stock levels and dispatching your sales orders.

Any item with insufficient quantity available can have a Purchase Order created from the order screen.
Much in the same way as you create a Purchase Order for stock replenishment from the Stock Pick screen.
To create an IPO from the IQStore Order Details screen, click the ‘Create Purchase Order’ option under the eyeglass: 

When clicked, the New Purchase Order modal opens with the Store Item pre-set on it, along with the items’ supplier, just waiting for a quantity to be entered:

Once created, the Purchase Order is processed as per any other Inventory Purchase Order.  It is sent to the Supplier, the goods are received into stock and the Purchase Order is invoiced.
This all happens externally to the PO Creation process that originated in the Sales Order.  
After the stock levels have been replenished, the original Sales Order (or back order, if created) can be fulfilled and dispatched.


The sales order dispatch details are displayed on the second tab:

Additional notes

Item Code – On the order screen, hover over the item name and you can see the item code linked to it:

Quote Link – A quick link to the quote is next to the quote number:

Parent Order – On a split order, a quick link to access the parent order is next to the parent order number:

Options Bar – There is an option bar at the head of the screen:

Notes: Lets you view and add notes to the order
Picking List: access to printable ‘Picking List’ and ‘Packing Slip’
History – Records of action history against the order
Misc Charge – Add and view miscellaneous charges
Edit Order – Option to change the ordered quantity

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