Stock Price Override - Quoting and Workflow

Stock Price Override - Quoting and Workflow


Against a quote, stock pricing can be overridden. This would be used for example, when you have a large job and call the supplier directly to see if you can get a cheaper stock rate than the base ‘book’ pricing uploaded in printIQ.

Only stock set to use ‘Inventory Pricing’ works with the override functions.

In this example we have two stock set to use inventory-based pricing:

Stock: 100gsm Gloss Artpaper – 650x910.
This has a price of $25 per /500 sheets ($50 per 1000 sheets):

Stock: 200gsm Gloss Artpaper – 650x910
This has a price of $50 per /250 sheets ($200 per 1000 sheets):

On my quote I have 3 sections. 2 on 100gsm Gloss and 1 on 200gsm gloss:

Inside each sections ‘Paper Stock Draw’, I can see the details of the required stock and pricing:

Based on the above I require:
100gsm Gloss Artpaper – 650x910 – x100,000 sheets
200gsm Gloss Artpaper – 650x910 – x50,000 sheets

On the quote screen, at the top of the ‘Pricing Details’ is a button ‘Stock Price Override’:

Click the 'Stock Price Override' button to open the Stock Override modal:

Click on the ‘Stock’ filter to see a list of all stocks used on the quote:

The ‘Stock Size’ filter will auto populate. If more than one stock size for the selected stock is used on the quote, you can select he stock size from this dropdown:

The total sheet quantity required will be combined and displayed for reference:

If you have more than one quantity quoted, the display will show multiple lines, one per quantity:

The quoted pricing will populate for the selected stock: 

The price can be overridden on the right:

The same unit type can be used as set when the stock was initially setup or the unit type can be changed here, to enter pricing using a different unit type:

The stock will always default to the unit type it is configured in.

Example, if ordered in ‘Rolls’:

Or if ordered by weight:

For this example, the stock is setup in /500 (as it is purchased in reams of 500 sheets) with a price $25 per 500 ($50 per 1000).
Contacting the supplier, for 100,000 sheets I receive a discounted price of $40 per 1000 sheets from John at the paper suppliers.
I enter the updated pricing and add a note referencing who I spoke with and when:

Once you confirm by clicking the ‘Add Override’ button, this will be added to the list of ‘Current Overrides’:

One discount can be added ‘per stock’ against a quote. Click the ’x’ to remove the override.

Once done, click the ‘Save &Close’ button. This will trigger the quote to recalculate the stock pricing:

Any stock override will display in ‘blue’ in the quotes pricing grid:

Opening the ‘Paper Stock Draw’ to see the details, we can see the original pricing and override pricing details:


Once the quote is accepted to a job, at note type of ‘Stock’ will be auto added to the job to flag that it contains special pricing:

From the ‘Stock Pick’ screen, you can select the stock or multi select the stock to start the IPO generation:

This will show the 'New Purchase Order' modal:

A note will show stating the total number of sheets required:

Along with a note displaying the special pricing details:

The ‘Notes’ field will be prepopulated with the special pricing details so it appears on the quote letter for the supplier (this can be edited if required):

The item section will prepopulate with the stock. The ‘Units’ will show the new unit quantity along with the original unit quantity. The special price will be defaulted along with the total number of sheets required:

On the Inventory purchase orders screen, the notes hover will display the special pricing notes:

Additional Notes

Update Quote – There will be a checkbox option to retain or discard stock price overrides:

Version Quote – There will be a checkbox option to retain or discard stock price overrides:

Copy Job – There will be a checkbox option to retain or discard stock price overrides:

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