Capacity Planning - Part 3 - Staff Use

Capacity Planning - Part 3 - Staff Use

Staff can use the boards as ‘Work to Lists’.
Inside the staff users account, under the ‘Departments’ tab, assign them to the departments they belong to. In this example we are setting up an offset printers access. We add the department of ‘Offset Presses’ to their user account:

When the user is logged in, under the ‘Production’ heading, they select ‘Capacity Planning’:

This will take them to the ‘Capacity Summary’ screen. By default, you will see the overall ‘Factory’ capacity and under that any departments the user is linked to directly. Here under ‘My Departments’ we see the summary of ‘Offset Presses’ only:

You can click the dropdown next to ‘Other Departments’ for a summary of all other departments in the factory:

To go to the boards for a department, just click on the department:

This will show the offset presses and any jobs scheduled:

You can filter down to show just the press you are working on:

You can also filter further to view tomorrow’s jobs, the entire week or by a date range:

To start work on a job, click on the job from the press list to open the details summary. From here you can see details of the operations and use the ‘Start’ and ‘Stop’ button against your operation to log onto the job:

Once you ‘Stop’ your operation, the line will show in ‘green’ as completed:

Close the window and ‘refresh’ your browser. The job now shows a green (completed) on your board:

If you need to reopen a completed operation, click the below icon to allow you to start working on the operation again:

Keep in mind that reopening an operation that has been completed may require the job to be replanned due to the additional time the rework could take. The planning changes need to be done manually by the planner.
We do not allow IQ to do any ‘auto’ movement as it could push out jobs without the knowledge of the production department.

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