Shipping Response CSV Import (UPS & FedEx)

Shipping Response CSV Import (UPS & FedEx)

After using the Shipping Export functionality to export delivery details to send to your shipping provider (see KB Article Shipping Export to WorldShip® and Shipping Manager® (UPS & FedEx), you will receive a response from them depicting the tracking number assigned to each delivery and optionally a price.

If there are other details pertaining to the deliveries, they will need to be removed before importing.

CSV Upload File

The CSV upload file should consist of either 2 or 3 columns.
      Column Name       Description
      ShipmentID       The unique Delivery Identifier.
      TrackingNumbers       Unique Consignment Numbers from your Shipping provider.
      Price (optional)       Optional Shipping Cost Price to be applied to the consignment.

Wise Words
Ensure the ShipmentID values do not have thousand comma separators.
(select Column, Right Click on it and select Format Cells and set Category to ‘General’ are formatted as ‘General’…

These columns must be titled as shown below. The order of the columns does not matter.

Each row corresponds with a delivery in printIQ.
If there are multiple products on the delivery, they can be separated in the TrackingNumbers entry with commas. The contents of this column are imported in their entirety into The Consignment Note field.

If the Shipping Export / Import has been enabled on your system, you should see an Import Consignments button on the Dispatch Board:

Click on this to open the Import Consignment modal:

The modal will present the results of the consignment import:If there are errors, they are detailed per consignment.

If there are errors, they are detailed per consignment:

Entries that could be imported, will have imported successfully.

If there is a price set against the consignment, this is applied to the Actual Shipping field on the delivery record. This does not affect the quoted or invoiced price to the Customer.

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