Transfer into inventory workflow

Transfer into inventory workflow

Production based jobs can often involve the top-up/fulfilment of inventory items. With this workflow, a quote or a job's dispatch option is set to ‘Inventory Transfer’.

Inventory Transfer

QUOTE – Select ‘Inventory Transfer’:

At the job stage, the ‘Dispatch’ tab will show the item transfer format. By default, the fields will be blank:

Select an inventory item to transfer the finished job into:

Clicking the ‘+’ button allows you to create a new inventory item on the fly


Miscellaneous Item – Opens the modal based on the inventory item type of a basic Misc Item:

Manufactured Item – Opens the Raw Material/Manufactured Items modal so it the item can then be linked to an operation via a material set or linked to a store item:

Once an item is selected, you will than have access to a list of ‘inventory locations’ linked to that item:

Select a location for the quantity transfer:

Once an inventory item is linked, you will see a ‘Print’ button show:

This will open a modal where you can print the items barcode:

Clicking ‘print’ will generate a ‘pdf’ file that can then be printed:

Inventory Transfer Board

The ‘Inventory Transfer Board' is used to manage jobs with this dispatch method:

The board displays a list of jobs ready to be transferred.
This includes columns showing the customer, job reference, inventory item code and description, along with the inventory location, job quantity and transfer quantity:

If the job does not yet have the transfer item configured, this will show as blank on the screen

You can control what columns show using the columns filter on the right:

Any job on a status of ‘Finished Production’ or store order on a status of ‘Packed’ will show on the board ready to be transferred:

Using the checkboxes, if the order has an item and location set, the ‘Transfer’ button will show:

Clicking on the transfer button will receipt the qty into the inventory item and remove the items from the screen:

If no item and location are set, the ‘Transfer’ button will be disabled (greyed out)

Partial Transfers

You can split a transfer into partials. From the jobs dispatch tab, click the green edit button:

Select ‘Create a partial delivery’: 

Enter the ‘partial’ quantity and click ‘Create partial delivery’:

This will add a second delivery (you can add as many as required):

These will be reflected on the Inventory Transfer Board:

Inventory transfers can also be done directly from the job details dispatch tab

Inventory Transfer Board options

Pending Jobs – check this ON to show inventory transfer jobs/orders that are still in production:

Completed Jobs – check this ON to show inventory transfer jobs/orders that have been transferred:

Check ON both options to see all pending and past inventory transfer records:

Both options unchecked will show jobs/orders with production completed and ready to be transferred:

Filter the board by ‘Factory Location’:

Reference – Clicking on reference number will take you directly to the job or sales order:

Item Code - Clicking on the inventory item code will take you directly to the inventory item:

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