Task Assignment Email

Task Assignment Email

This functionality enables email notifications when a user has been assigned to a task. The email template can be formatted to include specific task information and can be disabled or enabled as required.

How to Create A Task

This is covered in separate articles in the KB. Refer to documentation links below. 

Please refer to this documentation : https://desk.zoho.com/portal/printiq/kb/articles/tasking-and-qa 

### Create a task Internal Link

Enable email notification in tasks:

A checkbox for ‘Send Email to Assignee’ is at the foot of the task.
**To stop printIQ from sending an email notification untick the checkbox**

‘Assigned to’ is the task Owner and who will receive the reminder emails.


** printIQ will use the email address from the user details:

Email template

Admin - Email Templates:

Search for ‘Task’ in the search bar and click ‘Task Assigned’:

Email template preview:

Explanation of each Text Field:

  • To Override: printIQ will send a notification to this email address regardless of who the assigned user is.
  • From Override: Email sent from (please leave this as is)
  • CC Override: All task email notifications will be CC’d to the assigned email address
  • BCC Override: All task email notifications will be BCC’d to the assigned email address
  • Subject: Email subject

printIQ uses WYSIWYG web forms to edit the email body.

Standard email template layout:

To know more about what each {PLACEHOLDER} means, please refer to this article


Explanation of the placeholders specifically related to the task board:

{Author}: Creator of the task.

{ContextLink}: Link to the job, your task attached to.

{CreateDate}: Date when task was created
{CreateTime}: Task creation time (format 00:00 AM/PM)
{Description}: Description from your task page
{DueDate}: Due Date in the task board
{DueTime}: Due time in the task board
{Subject}: Subject in task board
{TaskComments}: Comments in the task board
{TaskWorkDone}: Work done text box in the task board.

Sample of email received.

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