Supplier Portal Workflow

Supplier Portal Workflow

When a quote is created that requires a part of full outsource, an ‘Outsource Request’ can be generated and accessed by the supplier.


If your supplier asks for further information there is a pdf attached at the bottom of this article containing only the
information suitable for sending to your supplier.

Internally, the estimator adds the operation required to be outsourced.
This can be done at a job level, section level or operation level.
At an operation level, the operation can be pre-defined as an outwork operation or any operation can be set to outsource on the fly.

In this example I have a pre-defined outwork operation for the creation of a new die. Click the ‘Outsource’ tab:

The ‘Outsource Operations’ screen will drop down. Select the operation to outsource and you will see fields for the ‘Supplier’ and ‘Description’:

First step is to select one or more suppliers you want to quote on the job. The ‘Supplier’ tab has two sub tabs.

Operations – Here you can create groups and add preferred suppliers to these groups to make the selection process simple.
Suppliers – This tab shows all suppliers entered into IQ.

Here I select to make the request to ‘Default Supplier’:

This adds an additional section to the bottom of the dropdown showing the selected supplier:

Add the request details into the ‘Description. You can also attach a file:

If you attach a file you will see an additional dropdown:

Once all the details are entered, click ‘Send email request’:

You will see confirmation. Now click ‘Save and Close’:

The screen will updated showing the operation contains outsource requests:

You can internally track outsource requests via the board:

The board is status based and filters can be checked on or off to filter down the lists. We can see the request just created on the board with a status of ‘Email Sent’:


**NOTE: When the supplier clicks into the link in the email or opens the request from their board, the request status will auto update to ‘Clicked into Portal’. 
This is handy to see if the supplier has started looking at the request. If it sits on ‘Email Sent’ for days, you know they have not looked at it at all.


The supplier can be given access to printIQ as a ‘Supplier’ only.
User type will be ‘Supplier’, Customer will be the supplier itself and the user role will be ‘Supplier’:

The supplier will receive an email with a link to the request or they can manage via their access to the board in IQ:

The supplier will have access to the ‘Outsource Request’ board only.
As this is status based all new request will drop onto the board based on what filters are selected.
Here we have all status option selected up to ‘Attached Quote’. Once the status is on ‘Request Submitted’ it is finished from the suppliers end so they would not need that in by default.
You can see the request we just made show on the board on the status of ‘Email Sent’ along with two other open requests:

The supplier clicks on the ‘Eyeglass’ to open the request details:

They can see the details of the request and any attached files.
Here they can add their own reference and notes and attach their own files for you to reference.
Once done they click ‘Submit Quote’:

Back in the supplier’s board, they can refresh the board:

And due to the filter settings, the request will drop off the board leaving only requests still to be actioned:

Back on the board the estimator can refresh their board at any time to see any status updates.
We can see the request is not on a status of ‘Request Submitted’:

From the ‘Eyeglass’ you can select ‘Details’ to open the request to see the details entered by the supplier:

If they attached a quote letter this can be downloaded here:

Select ‘To Quote’ to open directly back into the quote:

In the quote, scroll down to where the outsource operation is and click on the ‘Outsource’ tab:

Click the checkbox next to the supplier name to lock in the supplied pricing (this is necessary as you could have pricing from multiple suppliers and you can select different suppliers against different qtys):

This selected supplier will now show highlighted in green. You can click the ‘Show Margins’ option to add margin on top of the suppliers pricing:

Here you use a ‘Factor’ to markup the sale price. Once done click ‘Save and Close’:

The outwork is now locked in and the quote pricing updated:


Once the quote becomes a job, the majority of the PO is already pre-filled from the information entered during this quoting stage.

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