Store Item Pricing CSV Upload

Store Item Pricing CSV Upload

The pricing details for IQstore items can be exported and updated off-line and then imported to update pricing methods and prices.

Pricing rules can be divided into 3 kinds:
  1. Handling
  2. Item – with no Customer or Customer group
  3. Item – with Customer or Customer group values
Pricing upload replaces the related pricing rules on the item if they exist.
Uploading Handling rules only, will not change any existing pricing rules but will replace all existing handling rules.
Uploading pricing rules, with no Customer specific pricing rules, will not change any customer specific pricing rules.
If customer specific pricing is uploaded, all existing customer specific pricing rules for the item are removed. The rules are not added to existing rules.

Selecting Import from the drop-down menu will open a file selector to select the pricing CSV for upload. 

The Export functions will export the pricing details of the store items listed on the screen. 
'Export All' will export pricing for all store items including inactive items.
'Export (xxx)' exports the pricing details for the filtered items on the board.

There is a ‘Show Inactive’ flag on the IQStore Admin screen that will either include or exclude items marked as Inactive from both the screen and the CSV export.
Selecting Template will download a blank Pricing CSV upload template file.
Help displays a popup modal depicting the column values within the CSV:

The exported CSV will look something like the following. The pricing rules for each item are grouped together on the CSV.
If there are Handling Rules, these too are exported one rule per line.

Col A – Pricing Type – Set to either ‘Item’ or ‘Handling’ depending on the record type.
Col B – Item Code – Unique product code for the Store Item.
Col C – Sales Item Name – Product name.
Col D – Pricing Method – Options are:
  1. When Col A is set to Item: Each, Set Quantity Breaks, Price by Next Quantity Break or Price by Each up to Break.
  2. When Col A is set to Handling: None, Single Fee, Single Order Fee, Each, Single Fee By Next Quantity Break, Combined Fee By Next Quantity Break , Combined Fee By Each Up To Break.
See help modals on store item details for more information on the Pricing Method.
Col E and F – Quantity and Price – The ‘Each’ pricing method does not require a quantity – 1 is assumed. For the other pricing methods, quantities and prices are ‘paired’ and both need to be entered. Each quantity break for either an item or a handling fee will be written to a new line in the CSV.

Where multiple pricing breaks for either quantity or handling fees on a product, they will be represented as a line per quantity / price combination:

The Blue Cap above has a sliding price, depending on the quantity ordered with 4 graduations. 
- 1 cap is priced at $11.
- 2 to 5 caps are priced at $10 each.
- 6 to 10 caps are priced at $9.25 each and
- Quantities > 10 are priced at $8.75 each.

It also has 3 handling fee rules. The handling fee for this product is also on a sliding scale.
- Up to 5 items, a single $2 handling fee is applied to the order.
- 5 to 10 items incur a handling fee of $3.50
- Over 10 items a handling fee of $5 is added to the order.

Customer or Customer Group specific pricing is used first if the customer exists in a group or on a rule.
If the product is available to Anyone, a customer that is not included in the customer specific pricing rules will still be able to see and price the product from the main pricing details.

When uploading the edited CSV, after selecting the CSV in the upload modal, it will need to be verified:

After the CSV has been verified, it needs to be confirmed to commit the pricing update to the store items:

And a success confirmation is presented:

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