Choose ‘Stock Pick’ from the dropdown:
You will see the stock that has been quoted on. If there is stock on hand already, just click the ‘Add’ button to do the stock pick:
If you need to change the stock from the one quoted to a different stock, click the dropdown and type in the name of the new stock. If there is quantity on hand, you can just use the ‘Add’ button to do the stock pick:
If you need to order the stock, click the ‘circle arrows’ to create a purchase order:
Enter in the qty required and the job number under ‘Consignment No.’. Create the purchase order.
When the stock arrive, go back into the ‘Stock Pick’ for the job. You have to reselect the stock from the list:
The stock will now show with a ‘Qty on Hand’. Click ‘Add’ to issue the stock:
The stock will now show as ‘Picked’:
In regards to the value presented in the 'Location' field the logic for the default is: