Reserved Stock (Materials / Papers)
using printIQ v42 and above?
Please contact your printIQ Support Representative to arrange setting this up on your system.
Within IQ, when a job is created or a sales order is confirmed, the stock and materials required for them can now be configured to be flagged as ‘Reserved’.
One of the effects of this is that for IQ Store Items, once an order has been confirmed, the ‘Available’ quantity shown when placing subsequent orders, is calculated from the Quantity on Hand less any unfulfilled reservations.
In the Inventory Board, there is a filter for Reserved Items…
When you hover over the QoH figure, you are shown the location(s) with quantities and a message prompting you to click on the QoH figure.
Clicking on the QoH figure opens the Reserved Quantities modal which also shows the location of the stock for each reservation.
Note: The Inventory Board always shows you what is on hand – irrespective of whether there are reservations on the stock.
You are taken to the Pick screen for the job where you can pick the stocks required.
We know from above that there are 5000 on hand.
Of these, jobs 2899, 2900 and 2901 have 1182, 642 and 1723 reserved.
5000 – (1182 + 642 + 1723) = 5000 – 3547 = 1453 available for job J03078 – which is what is shown above.
This leaves 3254 sheets short for J03078.
In order to issue the reserved stock to this job, we need to ‘unreserve’ it from the other outstanding jobs.
To do this, click ‘View Outstanding Requests’ to open the current reservations for this stock. Here we can see the pick requests for the four jobs, including the one we are issuing to…
Simply click the ‘Include’ button to change it to ‘Exclude’ for the other 3 jobs…
And go back to the Stock Pick screen and refresh it.
The full quantity on hand is now available to pick for this job…
Pick the stock…
And finally, go back into ‘View Outstanding Transactions and click the blue ‘Include’ buttons on each transaction to re-establish the stock reservations for those jobs.
When stock is next receipted in, it will be reserved against these jobs first.