Stock – Only Price When Selected

Stock – Only Price When Selected


When a paper stock is defined with numerous stock sizes associated with it.
When quoting, each of the sizes are calculated to produce the most cost-effective production path.
As all the stock sizes are being priced along with all the presses and press options available, in some cases the time taken to calculate these production paths can be excessive.
When only a small number of these sizes are used for general quotes while the others are used more for specialty work, to reduce the load on the quote engine,
we can set specific sizes of specific stocks to ‘Only price when selected’.

How to set up

To set a size on a stock to be priced when selected, open the Stock and open the ‘Stock X Stock Size’ modal by clicking on the edit icon to the left of the size fields:

In the lower section of the ‘Stock X Stock Size’ details is a checkbox to turn only price when selected on or off:

When quoting on a stock, by default only size options with this checkbox OFF will be included in the calculations.
Any size marked to only price when selected will not be used unless specifically selected on the quote.

In the Manage Stock screen the sizes that have been set to price when selected are identified in the Pricing area:

Quote Screen when Price When Selected Enabled

When used in a quote, with the 13x19 size not selected to price,
the quote calculates all the other sizes and production paths

To select the excluded size for the quote, after selecting the stock on the section details, open the ‘Stock Information’ modal:

Select the size you wish to quote with:

With the size selected, update the quote to calculate the pricing and production paths for that specific stock size.
Only valid options for that size are calculated greatly reducing the quote generation time:

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