Speed Sets

Speed Sets


Each Press has a set of ‘speed set rules’ these need to be created and linked to the presses (presses are setup under ‘Presses’ in the ‘Equipment’ section).

Speed sets are managed in Admin > Configure Factory > Speed Sets



The following box will appear:




Enter a description of the press and then select a speed ‘Calc Type’.

You will see two options:

Speed steps for each intermediate quantity


  • With this option you can set different speeds depending on the quantity being printed. The first x1000 sheets could be set to run at one speed and then the next speed break can be set to run quicker.

Single speed for total sheet quantity


  • This option will use a single speed break to price the job.



Next you set the ‘Units’ the speed is calculated in:



  • Sheets/hr – mainly used for offset and digital presses 
  • Linear Metres/hr – mainly used for ‘roll fed’ presses 
  • Sheet Area Sq M/hr and Printed Area Sq M/hr – mainly used for large format digital machines, 
    (one works off the total sheet area and the other is based on the actual print area of the job).


Click the ‘Add Press Speed Set’ button and the mapping will appear at the bottom of the screen.


We now need to enter the speed rules to the newly created set. Click the ‘Rules’ option at the right.

A box will appear to the right of the screen.


Enter the ‘sheets per hr’ speed and the ‘max sheet qty’ for that speed range.



Click ‘Add Rule to Press Speed Set’ and it will appear as below. Enter as many speed breaks as you like for the particular press.


Follow this process for all the ‘Presses’ and ‘Printers’ you have.



You amend a speed set
by clicking ‘Edit’ or delete by clicking the red ‘X’.

You will receive a warning before deletion.



You are also able to add and edit the speed rules. Click 'Rules>>'






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