Single use address contacts

Single use address contacts

Addresses can be added as a ‘single use’ where it is not saved against the customer record.
The concept of single use addresses/contacts is to reduce the large amount of address and contact details in the system that are only used as one offs. These entries will not appear on the customer admin screen or from customer / contact / address exports.

There are 2 settings that control the “Single Use” functionality, one for the addresses, and one for the contacts. 

The overall default can be set/changed by contacting support. Users can then override the default settings on a customer level.

These settings are both System and Customer settings, allowing you to override the system default for specific customers.

Customer Screen:

Options for both default and customer level settings are as follows:

Remember & hide checkbox (default setting) - remembers the address or contact entry and does not show the check box.

Don’t Remember and Hide Checkbox – will not remember the addrewss or contact and does not show the checkbox. This option would be used on the settings on specific customers.


Remember & show checkbox – remembers the entry by default, but offers the user the option to flag it as single use only.

Don’t Remember & show checkbox – will not remember the entry, but offers the user the option to remember the entry.

When creating an address/contact, if the relevant setting is on, you will get the option to “Remember Address/Remember Contact”.

If creating an address with “Remember Address” UNCHECKED, you will not be able to edit this address, and it will NOT appear when opening the address dropdown. It will only appear as the selected address. E.g if switching from single freight to multiple, it will be lost and you will have to create it again.

The address will NOT appear on the customer address admin screen, even when selecting “SHOW INACTIVE”.

The single use addresses will NOT appear on exports.
Copying or versioning a quote will keep the addresses and contacts selected.

Addresses can be marked as Single Use in the custom and simplified quote upload CSVs. The column is called ‘Address is single use’.

Single-use addresses that match in a CSV will be on the same delivery, instead of splitting out to individual deliveries.

After entering a Single Use address into the delivery details of an order, if the address or contact selector is clicked, the single use entry is lost and will need to be re-entered. You cannot edit a Single Use address or contact on an order.

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