The Single Product Creation screen is a simple way to add a standard product for estimator or client ordering purposes. The Single Product is a great way to allow ordering of static artwork, can contain only one section and one stock, and can be linked to a CHILI document. The Single Product tool allows for a spreadsheet of static pricing matrix.
Please note single products are not supported through the widget
PrintIQ_ProductCreation_Enabled setting needs to be on.
Session Details
Under the Session Details section, you specify general attributes of your product.
- Product Code can be searched by when ordering from Simplified Products screen. Inquire with IQ staff about enabling this setting. Additionally, any Product Code Prefix Setting established will appear later in the Job Details or XML breakdown
- Select Artwork allows you to upload static PDF files for ordering / printing purposes. You must enable 'Bypass Artwork Submission' later in the Product Creation to honour this static PDF. If no Artwork is Selected, the User ordering this product will be presented with the Submit Artwork screen upon quote acceptance
Product Definition
Under the Production Definition area, you can configure size, Job finishing, and Job finishing preferred location.
Section Controls
Under the Section area, you can configure multiple section type,stock, and processing combination. You can apply one or more operations for side and section. Minimum / maximum page count must be at least '2'.
You can also specify production path preferences here.
Variable Data Connection Settings
If licensed for CHILI, you can configure the link to a CHILI document here. Copy / paste the CHILI document ID, select your system, and enter your environment. Be sure to enable 'Bypass Artwork Submission' here, as CHILI will provide PDF artwork file to printIQ upon User Saving the Template during Quote stage.
For further information, refer to the CHILI article
Pricing Configuration
Select a specific Pricelist and further pricing controls here.
Remember your intended customer must also have the same price list chosen here designated to their account, or the product will not display.
Select the Edit Pricing Information button to create a matrix of quantities, kinds and prices. Ensure your maximum width and maximum depth correspond to a Finish Size in your Factory Settings.
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