SIMPLIFIED CSV - Option 4 - Flat Sheeting Pricing + Extras

SIMPLIFIED CSV - Option 4 - Flat Sheeting Pricing + Extras


Flat Sheet Pricing plus extras – CSV pricing.


Using this method, you can upload ‘catalogue’ pricing into IQ using a combination of flat sheet pricing (base item ‘CSV’ uploads) and optional extras using job operations.


NOTE: This option is limited to 'single section' work. When multiple 'sections' are required like on bookwork with a text and cover, the best options are:

SIMPLIFIED CSV - Option 1 - Pricing up to 30 price breaks

SIMPLIFIED CSV - Option 2 - Pricing over 30 price breaks

SIMPLIFIED CSV - Option 3 - Upload Kinds Pricing



Step 1: Create the ‘CSV’ upload spreadsheet.


When setting up Flat Sheet Pricing we want to import the pricing structure using a CSV file.


The CSV file must follow the format as set out in the downloaded CSV.


The CSV will cater for the different stock, printing and laminating options.

Other finishing operations will need to be configured within IQ as ‘side’, 'section' or 'job' operations. The pricing from these extra operations is pulled from the component pricing within the operation and added on top of the 'csv' base pricing.


The end result of the CSV should look something like this…



The spreadsheet breaks down as:


Line 5 - ‘Stock’ – Use the ‘stock code’ for the required stock.


Line 6 - ‘Process Front’ – Specify the ‘front’ colour process.


Line 7 - ‘Process Reverse’ - Specify the ‘Reverse’ colour process.


Line 8 - ‘Laminating Front’ – Specify the ‘front’ laminating process.


Line 9 - ‘Laminating Back’ - Specify the ‘Reverse’ laminating process.


Line 10 – ‘Max Size’ – Specify the ‘max size’ for the product or this can also relate to the finished size depending on how the session is later setup. NOTE: dont use the 'Short Name' or 'Name' only use the actual dimensions Eg; 297x210

Line 11 and below – This is where you enter the quantity’s and kinds pricing. As per the example, line 11 in row B is the price of $21 for a business card on a 360gsm AB, printed CMYK front and Blank back with no laminate. The max size for this job is 90x55mm. The qty for this as 100 units of 1 kind.


To add pricing for multiple kinds, you would repeat the quantity list but change the ‘*1’ to a ‘*2’ to represent the price for ‘2 kinds’. The price would then reflect the charge for 2 kinds of 100 cards with the same specs:


Step 2: ‘CSV’ upload spreadsheet.


When the spreadsheet is ready, import it into ‘Flat Sheet Pricing’ in PrintIQ.


Go to Admin > Pricing Admin > Flat Sheet Pricing Admin


Enter a ‘product’ name and description.



Then click ‘Create’ to create a Flat Sheet Set (Business Cards in this case).




Note the ‘Key’ value (used later when setting up the sessions) and then ‘select’ it when it’s created.


You can export existing Flat Sheet Layout CSVs from here. This will allow you to export existing price lists to update and re-import back in, as well as providing a CSV template for adding new entries.





For now we want to Import into this set from our CSV file.

Select your CSV…



Click ‘Replace All Pricing’ if you are updating all records. (For existing sets, it is advisable to download the set, edit the CSV and upload replacing all prices).


The bottom portion of the screen allows you to ‘spot check’ the various entries you have just uploaded.
* It will NOT show the separate finishing options here, only the size, process, stock and laminating options as upload.




Step 3: Add ‘extras’ (operations) to the product.


Once you have the CSV uploaded the operations need to be define/configured if they do not already exist.


For more information on Job Operations/components see User Guides > Job Operations.




Admin > Pricing Admin > (Extra Pricing Rules) Pricing Group.


A pricing group needs to be created to categorise extra pricing rules. Enter the name and description of the product and add the pricing group.



This can be done for each product you would like to create or you can just create a generic group such as 'GANG' and add all finishing operation that will be used as extras in the one group.

Once added the product is assigned a ‘Key’, this Key will be used later while creating the ‘Session’ in ‘Factory Capabilities’.


*From here you can also make the product inactive if you no longer need it by unticking the Active box.



Admin > Pricing Admin > Extra Pricing Options:


Extra pricing rules are created for finishing or other components types.

*If these are not created here, they will still show in the quoting drop downs but the additional pricing will not be added to the quote.


Choose the pricing group you have created previously and enter the finish/component name:

Select the Component Type:


You can setup as a 'generic' option where you select a single component type such as 'Other Section Finishing' and all operations using the structure will have the pricing added as an extra:


Or you can be more specific and link to a individual operation:


Select the Finishing from the drop down, these are the job operations you will have created. Untick the ‘Define Pricing’ as the price will be taken from the component within the 'Operation'.


Create Extra Pricing Options for each finish/component option you offer for the product.



*Once created finish/component can be edited or deleted.


If your pricing component uses a 'Base Charge':

You need to create two entries for this. One linked to the 'sections finishing type' and another linked to the 'Finishing Base Cost':


Step 4: Create the ‘Simplified’ session.


Go into Admin > Factory Capabilities > Define Factory Capabilities to create the session.


*NOTE, before a session is created a Product Tree needs to be set up, see User Guides > Menu Items > Factory Capabilities.


Create a new definition called whatever the product being set up is, e.g. Business Cards.



This brings you thru to set the tree location for these products.



Once the tree location is set, click on the ‘Define Sections’ to create sections as required – for Business Cards there is only one section.


The section can be called whatever you want, but for consistency we’ll name it Business Card.

For other products it might be ‘Cover’ or ‘Text’ etc…



When created you will see;



Next is to add stocks. The stocks added should correspond with the stocks specified in the uploaded CSV. The stock is easier to manage if it is pre-grouped by product.


Set folding if it is to be offered. If not, add at least ‘Flat product’.


Add offered processes. If you wanted to add CMYK/Blank, CMYK/CMYK and CMYK/Black, you can do this by ticking the CMYK on the Front column and CMYK, Black and Blank on the Reverse column. All combinations are created:



Section Operations – again add any operations that are to be offered.

These might include things like die cutting, embossing, rounded corners etc.


Side Operations – These are side-specific operations like Gloss and Matt laminating, aqueous coatings etc.


Section options – Specify the min and max number of pages. For flat products this is 2. You can also specify the press, the press type and stock size by the drop down options. For example, if you only print the Business Cards digitally on a certain stock size.


Review Section Definitions allows you to see the combinations of stocks, processes, pages etc.


Job Finishing – Add any related job operations, like Packing, Padding, Binding, etc.


Sizes – select all finished sizes you wish to offer for the product.


Once sizes have been added it will show you the number of products the system will create. Each field above acts as a multiplier.



From the drop down list in Select Pricing Options for the Created Items, we will choose Flat Sheet Pricing + Extras. This then links to the spreadsheet we previously uploaded.



We then enter in the Keys we created previously.


Input 1 – Extra Price Group Key – Taken from; Admin > Pricing Admin è (Extra Pricing Rules) Pricing Group.


Input 2 – Flat Sheet Key – Taken from; Admin > Pricing Admin > (Flat Sheet Pricing) Flat Sheet Pricing Admin.



Make sure the ‘Only Priced Preferred’ box is ticked if you have specified ‘Preferred’ options in the ‘Section Options’.

If unticked it will price using multiple presses and stocks within your Inventory. 







To finish, click the ‘Create’ button.


You can now begin to test your simplified quote: Quoting > Simplified.


*Before you test, it is best to clear the IQ ‘cache’. See your systems administrator to get this done or they can give you the URL if required.


For more information on creating sessions, please see ‘Define Factory Capabilities’ within User Guides > Menu Items > Factory Capabilities.




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