Shipment Dates - Manual Override

Shipment Dates - Manual Override


Jobs in printIQ have a ‘Ship Date’.
The ‘Ship Date’ defaults to the same date as the ‘Due Date’ with the logic that the day the job is finished production, it is also ready to be shipped.
The auto set ‘Ship Date’ can be manually overridden at a ‘delivery record’ level if required.
This can be useful when a customer can accept delivery of goods on a weekend day,
but the factory setup in printIQ is configured for a 5 day working week (Monday to Friday).


In this example we have a job with a ‘5 working days’ turnaround:

The quote is converted to a job on Wednesday (01.09.21).
With the site set to a 5-day working week of Monday to Friday,
the 5 working days makes a ‘Due Date’ of the following Wednesday (08.09.21)

Hover over the ‘Due Date’ to see the auto set ‘Ship Date’ (by default, this will be the same as the ‘Due Date’):

Clicking on the date shows the ‘Update Job Dates’ modal. The ‘Ship Date’ is also shown here (but cannot be altered):

On the jobs ‘Dispatch’ tab, the ‘Delivery Expected Date’ displays in ‘grey’.
This date is auto calculated based off the due date plus the number of days set against the deliver option:

The delivery time in this example is 10 days making the expected date 22.09.21:

Click the date field to open the ‘Delivery Dates’ edit modal:

This allows access to manually override the Ship Date and Expected Date.
You can see what effect changing the date will have by placing the cursor over the ‘calculator’ icon.
Depending what checkbox is selected, the tooltip will change:

Ship Date Calculation Settings

‘Planned Ship Date’ checkbox selected
Allows you to enter a ‘Ship Date’. This auto sets the ‘Expected Date’ based on the freight days configured.
In this example with a 10-day shipping time, setting the date to the 10th, sets the expected date to the 24th (weekend days are excluded):

‘Expected Date’ checkbox selected
Allows you to enter an ‘Expected Date’. This auto sets the ‘Ship Date’ based on the freight days configured.
In this example with a 10-day shipping time, setting the ‘expected’ date to the 17th, sets the ‘Ship’ date to the 3rd (weekend days are excluded):

Due Date must be manually altered to meet the ship date

Both date checkbox’s selected
No auto calculations are performed. Both fields are manually populated by the user:

Weekend Deliveries

In this example we have a job that has a due date of Friday 10th. The job will also ship on the 10th. 
The customer has requested delivery on the 11th which is a Saturday:

Change the ‘Expected Date’ to Saturday 11th:

A ‘warning’ will display to notify the user that we weekend day has been selected:

Change the ‘Planned Ship Date’ to match if required:

‘Save & Close’ and the date is updated on the ‘Dispatch’ tab:

And on the ‘Job Details’ tab:

Dispatch Board - Weekend Delivery

On the ‘Dispatch Board’, any weekend delivery will display with the dates ‘underlined’:

Hovering over the date will show text stating that a weekend day has been selected:

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