Settings and Changing Terminology

Settings and Changing Terminology


In printIQ, you have the flexibility to rename various text elements to align with your preferred terminology. You can also choose to show/hide certain options.

There are multiple places inside printIQ where terminology can be customised:

  1. Admin > Customise -> Settings
  2. Admin > Configuration -> Terminology
  3. Admin > Branding(Headers/Footers) -> Content Strings

All of these are global changes and will be updated throughout the site for all users, unless specified otherwise on the setting itself.


Under the ‘Admin’ tab, select ‘Customise’ and under ‘Customise’ select ‘Settings’: 


The settings dropdown list has 8 selectable options. Each option has different settings relating to different areas of the system:



Renaming price markup options:
  1. Retail Label throughout printIQ
  2. Wholesale Label throughout printIQ


Renaming size depth and width, series, freight, kinds and embellishment:
  1. Prompt for Custom Size Depth
  2. Prompt for Custom Size Width
  3. Series terminology throughout PrintIQ
  4. Freight terminology throughout PrintIQ
  5. Kinds terminology throughout PrintIQ
  6. Terminology for extra product options on Promotional Products

View Quotes

Show/Hide options for customers, on the ‘View Quotes Board’ such as add new items, copy quote and add to a series:

Show '+ New Simplified Item' action to customers:
  1. Show 'Copy Quote' action to customers
  2. Show 'Add Series' action to customers

View Orders

Edit terminology related to the 'View Orders Board':
  1. Quote payment button text
  2. Accepted order date label
  3. Due date label
  4. Artwork tooltip message on the Job Summary page


Edit terminology related to the ‘Payment’ screens:
  1. Enable direct deposit
  2. Direct deposit proceed button text
  3. Prefix invoice number with site code
  4. Prefix invoice reference with customer code

Shopping Cart

Show/hide options for customers such as editing items and adding items to the shopping cart. Additionally, edit the naming and descriptions of quote items that can be added to the cart:
  1. Allow customers to edit product
  2. Show '+' add product for customers
  3. Quoting total tax display
  4. Show Cart Numbering
  5. Simplified Product Title
  6. Simplified Product Description
  7. Custom Product Visibility
  8. Custom Product Title
  9. Custom Product Description
  10. IQ Store Item Visibility
  11. IQ Store Item Title
  12. IQ Store Item Description
  13. Request For Quote Visibility
  14. Request For Quote Title
  15. Request For Quote Description
Shopping Cart settings:


Customise and rename options related to search functionality:
  1. Product filter width
  2. Price product button text
  3. Price product button text for full outsource tree node
  4. Text to show on when a customer cannot find the options they want and instead make an RFQ
  5. Text to show after clicking in the text box when a customer cannot find the options they want and instead make an RFQ

Quantity Selector 

Customise what is shown and what is not, such as the options to add multiple quantities and dispatch information:
  1. Allow multiple quantities
  2. Kinds terminology throughout PrintIQ
  3. Show dispatch
  4. Dispatch displayed in days
  5. Default turnaround days
  6. Dispatch date tooltip
  7. Dispatch date inline tooltip

Quote Details

Control options such as making fields ‘required’ prior to the acceptance of a quote:
  1. Show requested date on simplified AND checkout
  2. Expected date day limit
  3. Show quote PDF
  4. Job title defaults empty
  5. Job title is required
  6. Show purchase order
  7. Purchase order required


Control options for freight such as enabling freight and allowing split deliveries:
  1. Enable freight for quoting
  2. Allow customers to select billing address for delivery
  3. Allow no freight
  4. Allow split deliveries
  5. Delivery notes character limit
  6. Freight price text when zero


Show/Hide options related to the Checkout/Quote Details screen, as well as edit specific terminology:
  1. Show not required button on checkout
  2. Show billing address on checkout summary
  3. Show delivery addresses in each product
  4. Quoting total tax display
  5. Checkout summary heading
  6. Show customer on checkout
  7. Show valid until for customer
  8. Show payment terms on checkout
  9. Show quote status on checkout
  10. Show account manager on order details page
  11. Require terms when quoting
  12. Terms summary
  13. Complete order button text
  14. Allow customers to edit product
  15. Expire quote on acceptance


  1. Commission Type


All Jobs Board

  1. Limit all jobs board to users sites
  2. Sets sort type of all jobs board

Production Boards

  1. Priority Job Display


The Terminology screen is divided into twelve sections:
The Schedule Categories and Production Statuses should not be changed without checking with printIQ staff, as these will affect the production boards and job statuses.
  1. Schedule Categories
  2. Production Statuses
  3. Printing Terminology
  4. Invoicing Terminology
  5. Pricing Terminology
  6. Individual Pages
  7. Widget Terminology
  8. Campaign Statuses
  9. Address Terminology
  10. User Timing Terminology
  11. Production Terminology
  12. Sales Terminology
Any section with the word ‘terminology’ at the end, is where various text elements can be re-named to align with your preferred vocabulary. Words can be adjusted by clicking on a term to the right of the screen. Underlined words can be edited.  For example, under the Printing terminology section there is an option to edit the ‘Dispatch_Label’ throughout the system. 
In certain regions, people are accustomed to the term "Dispatch", while in other areas "Shipping" is a more commonly used term:

Content Strings

A "content string" is used to display meaningful information to a user. In printIQ these should be brief, descriptive sentences.
These are found under ‘Headers / Footers’ or ‘Branding’ on the Content String tab:

When a content string is selected a text box displays where text can be entered:

Available content strings include:
  1. Address Modal Text
  2. Artwork PDF Control Text
  3. Artwork Supporting Control Text
  4. Customer Requested Date Info Text
  5. Direct Deposit Confirmation Note
  6. Direct Deposit Payment Details Note
  7. Dispatch Estimate Text
  8. Free freight excluded from quantity
  9. Free freight included in quantity
  10. Freight Additional Information
  11. Job Acceptance Summary Alert Message
  12. Missing Artwork Text
  13. Outsource Request Number Of Products On Quote
  14. Outsource Request Number Of Purchase Orders On Job
  15. Over-Invoicing Error Message
  16. Proceed to Artwork Upload Text
  17. Proof Approval Instructions
  18. Proof Review Instructions
  19. Request a Feature Footer
  20. Request a Feature Footer additional
  21. Request a Feature Header
  22. Simplified price excluding description
  23. Simplified RFQ Box Post Select
  24. Simplified RFQ Box Pre Select
  25. Simplified Select Product Text

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