Parameter Setup and Explanation

Setting up Parameters

Parameters are used to control operations - i.e. divide, multiple or override.
To access PARAMETERs, click on the magnifier next to the component and choose the parameter. 

Once you click this you will be brought to a window where you can create a NEW PARAMETER:

A) The Job Operation Name - this is simply a description of what component the parameter connects to. 

B) Simple Quote Description - the question you want to ask in a Simplified Quote

C) Custom Quote Description - the question you want to ask in a Custom Quote

D) Type - this is where you choose the calculation type for the parameter:

Calculation Types
  1. Quantity Multiplier - will MULTIPLY the QUANTITY (of on the SOURCE (L) below) by the parameter entered
  2. Quantity Override - will OVERRIDE the QUANTITY of on the SOURCE (L) below) and insert the parameter entry
  3. Quantity Divider -will DIVIDE the QUANTITY of on the SOURCE (L) below) by the parameter entered
  4. Job Quantity Override - will OVERRIDE the JOB QUANTITY and with the parameter entry  (i.e. 1000 books overridden to 100  = 100)
    Job Quantity Override Parameters only effect calculations that are directly dependent on the job quantity,
    not on ones that are related to attributes of the job such as width/depth.
  5. Job Quantity Multiplier - will MULTIPLY the JOB QUANTITY by the parameter entered (i.e. 1000 books x 2 = 2000)
  6. Job Quantity Divider -will DIVIDE the JOB QUANTITY by the parameter entered (i.e. 1000 books / 2 = 500)
  7. Item Gap Overrider - will OVERRIDE the GAP between items (ie. 5 cm between items overridden to 2 cm = 2cm)

E) Active - This is where you can ACTIVATE or DEACTIVATE a parameter. This is very helpful when you are troubleshooting, use this instead of deleting the parameter if you need to turn it off while you test. 

F) Min Value: This is where you set the minimum value that can be entered into a parameter by the outside user (ie. the Customer).  

G) Max Value: This is where you set the maximum value that can be entered into a parameter by the outside user (ie. the Customer). 

H) Allow Decimals in Value: This will determine if decimals are allowed. You would not click this if it were relating to things sold in whole units (i.e. a banner stand), but you would choose it if you wanted to select 1.5 pieces of material (i.e. laminate etc.)

I) Detailed Value: This is where the question will be pre-answered with this amount, although the user can change it. (saves some steps)

J) Factor: If you want to apply a factor to the parameter, you can put it here.  (i.e. 110%  = 1.1)

K) Round Rule: This is where you can round up or down.
Rounding Rules
  1. Round will simply ROUND the cost based on typical round rules of .5 and up rounds up, under .5 rounds down. 
  2. Ceiling - will always Round UP
  3. Floor - will always Round DOWN

L)   Default Source: This is where you are going to have the parameter look:
Default Source
  1. Job Quantity - will have the parameter look at the QUANTITY of the JOB (ie... 1000 flyers)
  2. Total Sheets - will look at the TOTAL PRINTED SHEETS - (including all waste), ie. 1000 flyers printed 2up with 100 sheets of waste = 600 sheets.
  3. Finish Sheets - will look at the TOTAL FINISHED SHEETS - excluding waste - ie. 1000 flyers printed 2 up = 500 sheets
  4. Operation Hours - will look at the hours in the operation component. (ie. Run time, hours per kind, hours per page etc.)
M) Capture Actuals Text: The text that will accompany  the CAPTURE ACTUALS button below (O) 

N) Template Description: This is where you can have the Parameter show up on the letter (blue area of the quote). For instance if you were using the parameter to divide the quantity by 50 to create bundles of 50, you could type the phrase:  Bundles of {Value}  - and the {value} would insert the parameter number into the phrase which would then appear on the blue area of the docket as Bundles of 50

Check Boxes

O)  Capture Text: If you want the person who is performing the operation (i.e. a designer) to enter the amount of time they actually used - click this, and it will force them to do so when they complete the operation. This is helpful if they are just clicking the STOP button on the operation - but have spent 1.5 hours designing a job, they can manually enter the amount.

P)  Hide on Job Bag:  This will hide the parameter from the job bag (if it is just needed for estimating)

R)  Materials:  will APPLY the parameter to the materials element of the component (i.e. divide, multiply or override the material quantity)

S)  Click Rate:  will APPLY the parameter to the quantity of Clicks inside of the component (i.e. divide, multiply or override the click quantity)

T) Show in Descriptor  will show the component in the descriptor (blue area) of the quote

T)  Default Value form Component:  will insert the value from the component record into the parameter area. This value is usually associated with a reference or group choice, and is found in the PRICING area of a component:
Parameter Value in a Component
V) Show Customers: will be visible to customers (not hidden due to it being a production function)

When you have entered all of these, be sure to hit the SAVE BUTTON at the bottom left (otherwise all your work is lost)

Do not just hit the DONE BUTTON at the bottom right - or you will lose your work if you haven't saved first.

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