If you are new to QuickBooks, coming from an integrated accounting system, you may need to work with a 3rd party consultant to help you set up your books. IQ technical specialists do not claim to be QuickBooks or accounting specialists; we are merely trying to help you get the programs to work together.
These instructions are designed to help you line up the required categories between IQ and QuickBooks, and not necessarily give exact details of how to set your QuickBooks program up.
There are many flavours of QuickBooks such as online, desktop, enterprise etc. The screens may vary, but the functionality is the same between the different flavours.
Three main areas need configuring:
1) Tax Codes and Names
2) Customer/Supplier Code, Names & Tax Codes
3) General Ledger Codes (nominals)
Tax Code Alignment
Tax codes need to be aligned between QuickBooks and PrintIQ to ensure the information is passed between the programs correctly. If a tax code does not appear in QuickBooks or is named incorrectly, and IQ is attempting to push information over, the export will fail.
In IQ the tax codes are found under the
Accounts Menu -
Invoice Admin,
Tax Types (if you cannot see this menu - got to the magnifier to the right of the Admin Menu and search for tax types)
Manage Tax Types table will then appear:
Manage Tax Types
The key is to ensure the Tax Codes match what you have in QuickBooks.
To find the tax table in Quickbooks go to the
Sales Tax Menu and
Sales Tax Code List
QuickBooks Sales Tax Code Menu
This will display the
Sales Tax Code List resident in QuickBooks
QuickBooks Sales Tax Code List
It is critical that
1) The QuickBooks Code matches the IQ Tax Code
2) The QuickBooks Description matches the IQ Tax Name (it would be a good idea to have it match the IQ Description too).
QuickBooks only allows up to 3 Digit tax codes. So our examples of NONE and ZERO in the IQ tax list will not work.
The best practice would be to copy the code/description directly from QuickBooks to IQ to ensure there are no extraneous spaces or punctuation marks.
Customer/Supplier - Code, Names & Tax Codes
IQ exports Sales Invoices and Purchase Invoices to Quickbooks. It does not export Quotes, Jobs or Purchase orders.
When a Sales Invoice or a Purchase Order invoice is exported by IQ to QuickBooks, Quick Books looks at the full customer name. You need to ensure that the names match exactly.
The key when exporting to QB is to ensure that the Customer NAMES match precisely. Typically, when beginning, the QB export is made of all customers/suppliers to import into IQ.
To export the Customer or Supplier file from QuickBooks go to the
Customers menu
, and choose
Customer Center.
Once in the
Customer Center - choose the EXCEL menu - and Export the Customer List:
This will export your customers to an excel file in the excel output structure:
The text will need to be formatted into the IQ Customer or Supplier upload format.
Importing Customers into IQ:
Go to the ADMIN menu in IQ and choose customers and IMPORT:
You need to DOWNLOAD the template:
Into this CSV TEMPLATE you need to copy either your CUSTOMERS or SUPPLIERS:
The NAME and CODE should definitely match. The Tax Type (column BH) should match the Taxes setup above, this would be the TAX CODE for this client that should be the same in both QuickBooks and IQ.
Exporting New Customers and Suppliers to QuickBooks
Once Customers/Suppliers have been equalized in IQ and QuickBooks, all new customers or suppliers should be created in IQ and pushed out to QuickBooks.
Go to the customers area:
You can then export the customers to a CSV file:
You will then be able to import this into QuickBooks by using a program such as ZED AXIS (or by mapping them manually).
Creating the Framework to Import from IQ to QuickBooks
QuickBooks is designed to import ITEMS into its database. Each line of a Sales Invoice or Purchase Order (or the entire order) can be mapped to a GL inside of QuickBooks.
There are two steps that are required to make this work:
1) Create the Account in Quick Books
2) Greate a GL Account in IQ
3) Create the Item which is mapped to the account
Creating the Account in Quick Books
Go to the COMPANY menu - and down to the Chart of Accounts:
Under the Account button - create a NEW ACCOUNT:
When you create the account you have to ensure the
Account Number
matches the GL/Nominal number in IQ, along with the
Account Name:
Creating the GL Account in IQ
Now you must duplicate the Account inside of IQ. Go to the ACCOUNTS tab and choose INVOICE ADMIN - ACCOUNT CODES:
Click the + button to create a new code:
Now you can enter the information for the new GL Code - matching what you have in QuickBooks:
Ensure the TAX CODE and the NAME match QuickBooks exactly. You also need to set the tax code, and choose if it is a REVENUE ACCOUNT, EXPENSE, ASSSET or LIABILITY. All sales will be REVENUE. Purchase Invoice GL accounts will be Expenses.
Exporting your chart of accounts from Quickbooks
To mass upload your GL accounts you can export the from QuickBooks. Go to the LISTS menu and choose CHART OF ACCOUNTS:
At the bottom of the list go to the REPORTS menu and choose ACCOUNT LISTING:
Importing your GL accounts into IQ
Once you have exported them, you can format them to upload into IQ. In IQ go to the ACCOUNTS menu, INVOICE ADMIN, and choose UPLOAD ACCOUNT CODES:
From this window, download the IQ CSV TEMPLATE:
Once you have the Template, copy the information from the QB export into the format of the IQ Template.
Having done this you can now upload the file by clicking the CHOOSE FILE button.
Creating your ITEM in QUICKBOOKS
You cannot import an IQ GL directly into Quickbooks, rather you have to import ITEMS. You can Map your IQ GL's to ITEMS in QuickBooks - which are linked to the Accounts.
Go to the LISTS menu in QuickBooks and choose ITEM LISTS:
Enter the information in the ITEM to match the GL in IQ:
The ITEM Number needs to be identical to the GL number in IQ.
The Tax code should also match the tax code created in IQ, and associated with the IQ GL
The Account is linked to the GL Account in QuickBooks.
When the file is imported from IQ into QuickBooks it will enter QuickBooks as an "item" which is linked to the GL, the funds will be passed to the associated account.
You can create multiple items that point to the same GL account from IQ. The Sales Invoice will push them to the same GL in Quickbooks.