In the following example, we need to setup a product group that clients can order for ‘Ring Binder Folders Sets’.
These sets are ordered in lots of x100 and can be broken down into ‘parts’.
You can order the following:
- Ring binder Folder Set (Front/back cover & spine)
- Ring binder Folder Back Cover Only
- Ring binder Spine (CONFERENCE)
- Ring binder Spine (GENERAL)
All items are printed on Knight Smooth 140gsm
All pricing is set at:
- Ring binder Folder Set (Front/back cover & spine) - $550 per x100
- Ring binder Folder Back Cover Only - $250 per x100
- Ring binder Spine (CONFERENCE) - $250 per x100
- Ring binder Spine (GENERAL) - $250 per x100
The way we will set this up is to create each of these items as ‘Stocks’.
In the ‘Configure Factory’ screen, select ‘Stock.
Now click ‘Add New Stock’.
The below window will appear:
The details for the items in the group need to be entered.
e.g. Ring binder Folder Set (Front/back cover & spine) on 140gsm
Enter the details as below:
Enter a ‘Code’, ‘Description’ (this is what will show when the client selects the product
so give as much detail as possible), ‘GSM’ and ‘Family’. These are the main ones to enter.
The others can be optional depending on your requirements and how detailed you need to be.
Enter this for all the 4 products. Once done you will see them in the stock list as shown below:
Next you need to link each ‘Stock/Item’ to a ‘Stock Size and Pricing’.
For this example we select ‘SRA3’ size, ‘Charge, Pick and Order’ units of 1 and a ‘Price for the unit’ of $0.10’.
If the ‘Item’ is set pricing to be entered off a pricing grid/csv file, the only relevant part of this step is the ‘Size’.
Without a size linked, the system cannot give a price as it will not be able to find a production path.
Now, back in the ‘Configure the Factory’ screen, go to ‘Stocks’ under the ‘Equipment’ heading.
Here is where we assign what ‘Presses’ this stock can print on.
NOTE: Even if the entire job is to be outsourced, the system will not give you a price unless the ‘Stock (or product in this case) it is ‘mapped’ to a press.
The below window will appear:
Enter in the ‘GSM’ search range– from 140 to 140 then click ‘<<Add’.
This will add all the 140gsm stocks
Select the 4 you just created. Under ‘Add/Remove Selected Stock Mappings’ Select a press the job will fit on and then click ‘Add’.
Now when you look at the ‘Current Press to Stock mappings’ for the selected press, the new items will appear on that list:
Now we need to go into ‘Factory Capabilities’ and into ‘Build the Product Tree’ in order to create a Tree Node’ for the ring binder products.
Click ‘Add Tree Node’.
The below options box will appear:
Fill in the details. You need to give it a name, details on where to place the product in the tree and what ‘filters’ to show when a client is selecting the product.
NOTE: A new “NODE ID’ will be given. Here we now have ‘Node 105’. Note this number down for later use.
Now you can create a ‘CSV’ file for the pricing. In the example below, we have:
The sessions are named to relate to the product, individual ‘product codes’ and the tree node of ‘105’.
The ‘colours’ front and back entered...
And below we have the sizes per product and the quantity and price breakdowns.
Once the ‘csv’ is complete, make sure you delete the top ‘description’ line. The system will error out if you leave it in.
You are now ready to upload the ‘csv’ file into Print IQ.
Under ‘Factory Capabilities’, click into ‘Upload Factory Capabilities’.
From here, click ‘Choose File’ and navigate to the ‘csv’ file just created.
Click ‘Import’.
The ‘csv’ info will appear in the window.
Now click ‘Create Products’, then ‘View Created Products’. Activate them and you are done.
Test a pricing on the product to confirm all is showing correctly.