Quote Approval Setup and Use

Setting up Customer Quote Approval Process

For a customer who will have a quote approval process the following are the steps to set it up.

Setting up the Customer

The first step is to set up the customer. 
  1. Open the customer file (Admin->Customers->View)
  2. Click the SHOW MORE button at the top of the customer record:

  3. Scroll down to SETTINGS, and then to QUOTING

    Turn on the Quote Max Auto Approval Cost
    Enter the Amount you would like to have Approvers be able authorize without having to go to somebody above them (ie. $500)
  4. Be sure to hit the "SAVE" button at the top of the customer record:

Setting up the Customer Approver

  1. Open the User Record
  2. Find the CUSTOMER User you want to have as the APPROVER
  3. Make sure they are set to the right customer, and if necessary have the right BRAND selected:
  4. Under the ROLES ensure they are set to CUSTOMER and QUOTE APPROVER:

  5. Under the User Settings scroll down to the Approval Upper Cost Limit

     • click the EDIT BUTTON
    • Leave it blank if you want them to have an unlimited Approval Amount
    • Enter an amount if they are a junior approver (ie. department manager)
    • Click the Save Button
  6. Be sure to click the overall save button and you should see the green bar letting you know your changes have been saved:

Setting up the Customer NON-Approver user

  1. Open the User Record
  2. Make sure they are set to the right customer, and if necessary have the right BRAND selected:
  3. Under the ROLES ensure they are set to CUSTOMER ONLY:

  4. Be sure to click the overall save button and you should see the green bar letting you know your changes have been saved:

Using the Approver Mode

  1. The quotes will be flagged with a status of "awaiting approval"

  2. When a Customer non-Approver goes into their quotes - they can only approve their authorized amount. If the amount is set to $0 or the quote is above their approval threshold, they will be prompted to ask for approval:

    They will need to click the REQUEST APPROVAL button.
  3. They will be prompted to pick the person in their organization that is the approver from a dropdown list of all the users:

  4. An email will then be sent to the Approver telling them that there is a quote they need to approve:

  5. The Approver clicks the Link - and is taken into the quote where they can click the Approver Quote Button:
  6. Once the Customer's Approver  "approves" the quote a green bar shows up showing the approval has taken place:
  7. The user will then be able to COMPLETE the order and continue to add the proofs.

Setting a customer-approver outside the company

It is also possible to set up a customer user with approval rights outside of the immediate customer (ie. a parent company, or sister company, or marketing company).
To do this you need to set up the customer user as an approver (see above).
Then you can add additional companies they can approve:

1. Under the desired user choose the Alternate Customer
2. Pick a customer from the drop down list
3. Click the "add" button. 

4.  You will see the new customer they can approve show up with a "can approve" button checked. 

Requesting Approval from an Outside Approver

1. When a Customer user goes to choose an approver (when requesting an approval) the new approver will show up in the list:

2. They can choose this approver and click the SEND APPROVAL REQUEST to them, and the approver will receive an email.
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