Under Admin, Factory Capabilities, Manage Product Categories:
At any level of product group, you can open the ‘Product Categories’ admin screen:
Click onto a product to open. You will see a section for ‘TURNAROUND DAYS’:
*’Inherit’ YES to set the TAT at a master level and the sub products can inherit that setting*
This will dropdown a grid where the TAT days can be configured. There are various setting options as below:
Configure the TAT days from the available fields:
When quoting, you will see the TAT days applied to each quantity based on your setup:
The TAT can also be seen on the ‘Order Details’ screen:
When quoting on the ‘Product Category’ these turnaround rules are set as:
* we check if the product falls under the specified rules
* if so then the TAT days are applied
* leaving fields blank in the turnaround grid means we don’t care about matching on them.
e.g. if we leave ‘Max Width’ blank, the width of the product is not referenced when calculating TAT.
NOTE: An internal setting “printIQ_Default_Turnaround_Days" can be set at a global level. This is used if none of the above TAT rules apply.
If there is nothing set at this global level then the TAT rules will be based off the ‘Shifts’ setup in the system.
Additional Setup
In order for TAT on a Product to function correctly there is a setting that needs to be configured plus some minor setup to Shifts:
Click the ‘Edit’ button on the default shift, add a start date a few days into the past and an end date way into the future, save it.
(adjust the Turnaround days if required):
Adding the Recurring shifts, click the magnifying button:
Enter the same Start & End dates as Step 1. Then click ‘Create Recurring Shifts’:
You will see the new shifts appear
Click clear your cache.