Against an operation's component, you can link a ‘Supplier’:
In this example we have set a different supplier based on the job quantity.
For a qty between 1 and 500 we are using ‘Default Supplier A’.
For a qty between over 501 we are using ‘Default Supplier B’.
Both have a markup on the cost of 20% added (1.2 factor):
When used on a quote, you will see the operation highlighted in green. Click on the sections ‘Outsource’ tab:
Here you will see based on the quantity, the correct option auto selected along with the supplier:
**Make sure from here you click ‘Save and Close’ to lock in the outsource options**
Once ‘Save and Close’ has been clicked, the screen will update the outsource operation from ‘green’ to grey’:
At a job level, you will see a notification icon against the ‘Outsource’ tab:
Inside the ‘Outsource’ tab, select ‘New Purchase Order’:
Click on the operation in the header:
You will see the purchase order has the defaults of the supplier and price: