Save Quote Question endpoint

Save Quote Question endpoint

Where to get the Value of SaveQuoteQuestion Endpoint?

If you are experimenting on how to run POST Method to SaveQuoteQuestion Endpoint.
You can use this method to check the Payload required.
Console --> Network Tab --> Check Arrow

Using this example,

In order to update the Print Order Answer from Payload to your desired value,
You can run the endpoint via Swagger like so.
  "Answers": [
      "QQQLIKey": 109,
      "QQDKey": 0,
      "QQDPKey": 11313,
      "QQQAValue": "Updated Print Order Answer in Jobs Via End Point",
      "QSTKey": 1,
      "QSideKey": 0,
      "QQDSKey": 14065,
      "QQADKey": 0,
      "QQQxKey": 107,
      "QQQLITKey": 1

However you will require to observe this following notes:
1. When you want to Save Quote Questions, An example from the network tab, is very useful to fill in the required data. Or Alternatively you run GetQuoteQuestion, and match it with the SaveQuoteQuestion value you have from the network tab.

2.  You can Ignore QQQAKey as long as QQDSKey / QQADKey Exist.
What is QQDS? You will find it when you run GetQuoteQuestion Endpoint
What is QQAD? QQAD is the ID of Quote that has been converted into a job.

3. We use QQDSKey and QQDPKey to update Quote Question in Quote Stage
4. We use QQDSKey and QQADKey to Update quote questions in Job Stage.

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