Sales Order Item Pricing Methods

Sales Order Item Pricing Methods

Pricing of Sales Order Items allows you to control exactly how items are priced, and for whom.

There are 4 different pricing methods to select from.

As well as Customer Specific pricing.


• Price entered is a "Per Unit" price and will be calculated as unit price times quantity.

Set Quantity Breaks

• The customer can only select the set breaks entered.
• Price entered is a "Per Quantity" price, and is set to the price entered against that specific quantity.
• This format is also how you can set lower and upper quantity limits, however you must provide all the possibly required quantities in between.

• In this example, there are 6 quantities this product can be ordered in, with a maximum order quantity of 50. 
• When entering pricing into the above table, more rows are automatically added as needed.

Price by Next Quantity Break

• Price entered is a "Per Unit" price.
• Unit price is determined by the next quantity break that the quantity fits into.
• E.g. an order of 125 would be priced at the 130 price of $0.25, if that is the next highest.
• This would calculate as 125 times $0.25 = $31.25

• In the example above, 1 to 4 items would cost full retail of 27.95. Quantities 5 thru 9 would be charged at 26.50 and so on. The last quantity should be large enough to act as a ‘catch all’.

Price by Each Up To Break (Incremental Pricing)

• Price entered is a "Per Unit" price for each quantity break.
• This is calculated by applying unit price to the quantity that fits into each quantity break.
• E.g. an order of 125 would be priced as: using the 100 price of $0.50 for the 0-100 break, and using the 200 price of $0.45 for the 100-200 break.
• So it would calculate as 100 times $0.50, plus 25 (the extra) times $0.45 = $61.25.

Customer Specific Pricing

Customer Specific Pricing allows you to control the price at the customer level if it is required.
This pricing method does not by-pass the products ‘Accessed By’ values – all customers accessing the item must be included in the ‘Accessed By’

The table presented for Customer Specific Pricing differs depending on the Pricing Method set above.
When the pricing method is ‘Each’ you can specify individual customers and / or customer groups and a unit price.

If any of the other Pricing Methods are set, then a 4th column appears in the Customer Pricing table to allow you to specify quantity breaks.

In the above example, customer TstRet will get different pricing depending on the quantity purchased. 
Customers in the BookWholesale customer group will get this item for $17.45, irrespective of quantity (up to 9999).
All others (assuming this item is available to ‘Everyone’) will get pricing as set in the ‘Edit Pricing’ table as set under the Pricing Methods above.






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